
Converts TypeScript code to Budgie.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsBudgie from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-budgie';


ts-budgie 🦜

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Compiles TypeScript code to Budgie.

Budgie is an abstract way to describe lines of code in real languages. TypeScript is a gradually typed language, so a subset of well-typed TS code can generally be converted to Budgie.


It's impossible to accurately convert TS code to Budgie. Although large constructs such as classes and interfaces can be, there are edge cases around primitive literals not representable in TypeScript.

For example, ts-budgie has no way of knowing whether age: number is a Budgie float or int:

export class AgePrinter {
    public printAge(name: string, age: number): void {
        console.log(`${name} is ${age} year(s) old.`);

The TS string type also can't be statically determined to be a Budgie char or string.

Thus, ts-budgie will never be more than an experiment. Only a completely strongly typed language with ints and chars, such as C# or Java, can truly be compiled to Budgie. ts-budgie can only get code most of the way there.


You can use ts-budgie on the command-line with budgie-cli or in code.


budgie --language Java --tsconfig ./tsconfig *.ts

See budgie-cli


createTransformer creates a Transformer object that can transform source files to Budgie. It requires all files at construction so it can create a TypeScript program.

import * as ts from "typescript";
import { createTransformer } from "ts-budgie";

const sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile("_.ts", "let x = true;", ScriptTarget.Latest);
const transformer = createTransformer({
    sourceFiles: [sourceFile],

// ["variable : x boolean true"]


To build from scratch, install Node.js and run the following commands:

npm install
npm run verify

Check package.json for the full list of commands. To set up source file compiling in watch mode, use tsc -p . -w.


Integration and end-to-end tests are done using BDD. Folders under /test/integration and /test/end-to-end will contain a .ts file with TypeScript source code along with an equivalent .bg file with the expected Budgie compilation result. These are verified during npm run test test.

You can run specific tests using their run task (npm run test:run:integration or npm run test:run:end-to-end). Specify --command(s) to only run tests within groups that case-insensitive minimatch them (e.g. npm run test:run:end-to-end -- --command *array* *list*).