
Convert typescript code to csharp code.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsCsharp from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-csharp';



Convert typescript interfaces or classes to csharp classes.

Example usage

import { convertInterfacesToCSharp } from "ts-csharp";

const myTypescriptClassString = `
interface MyTypescriptClass {
    propOne : any;
    propTwo : string;
    propThree : number[];
    propFour : boolean;

interface AnotherTypescriptClass {
    nestedObjectsInAList : MyTypescriptClass[];
    recursiveObject : AnotherTypescriptClass;
    isReallyCool : boolean;

const myCsharpClass = convertInterfacesToCSharp(myTypescriptClassString);


Generates the following code:

public class MyTypescriptClass {

    public object PropOne;

    public string PropTwo;

    public IEnumerable<int> PropThree;

    public bool PropFour;


public class AnotherTypescriptClass {

    public IEnumerable<MyTypescriptClass> NestedObjectsInAList;

    public AnotherTypescriptClass RecursiveObject;

    public bool IsReallyCool;
