
Variable comparison utility with TypeScript bindings

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsEquals from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-equals';



Variable comparison NPM package with TypeScript bindings


This package allows for typesafe equality checking of both primitives and objects in TypeScript or JavaScript. It also provides a mechanism to configure how values are compared through the EqualsOptions interface.


To install this package, simply enter npm install --save ts-equals at the command-line. If you are using TypeScript, you should also enter npm install --save-dev @types/ts-equals at the command-line.


To use this package, simply import the equals module using your preferred method of importing JS or TS modules. Next, optionally create an object that conforms to the EqualsOptions interface (see below). Then, call the equals function with the two values you wish to compare, along with your EqualsOptions object if you defined one. If you are using TypeScript, also pass the type of the objects being compared as a generic type parameter. The function will then return whether the values are equivalent.


The equals function is declared as follows:

function equals<T>(v1: T, v2: T, opts?: EqualsOptions): boolean


  • T is the type of the values being compared (TypeScript only)
  • v1 and v2 are the values being compared
  • opts is an object that defines the comparison options (optional)

The EqualsOptions interface is defined as follows:

interface EqualsOptions {
    strict?: boolean;
    shallow?: boolean;


  • strict is whether the == or === operators are used for comparisons
  • shallow is whether objects and arrays are directly compared

The strict option defaults to true, while the shallow option defaults to false.


This package is completely open source. It is licensed under the Lesser GNU General Public License, version 3.0. See the LICENSE file in the GitLab repository for more information.


Pull requests and other contributions are greatly appreciated. If you make a pull request, please make sure that the unit tests pass by running npm test in the root of the repository before submitting your request.