
Hooks as you want

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsHooks from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-hooks';



Hooks as you want

Documentation for TS-Hooks

Create your own hooks like add validation before some function called, or trigger some stuff when the function called in every code as you want



npm install ts-hooks


yarn add ts-hooks


  • add hooks before function called
  • add hooks after function called
  • support multiple hooks
  • support for async function

Basic Concept

Idea behind ts-hooks is to wrap your function into wrapper function, are you confuse ? yeah me too :D , don't worry, let's see the example below

Your function before wrapped

function iDontKnowTheName() {
  console.log("Hey i don't what should i do!")

Your function after wrapped by ts-hooks

function functionWrapper() {
  const result = iDontKnowTheName()
  return result

Basic Usage

if you're not understand with the basic concept above, don't worry just forget it, let's see how to use the ts-hooks

:warning: Important! ts-hooks can be used only when your functions are inside a class

add hook before your target function called

   * add hooks before target function called
   * NOTE : you can pass the Async hooks to the sync function, but
   * your hooks will not awaited
   * the first argument is array of hooks that will be called before the original function called
   * the second argument is array of hooks that will be called after the original function called
   * the last argument is optional, if you set it to `true` then the hooks function will
   * executed like middleware, otherwise the hooks will executed like common function
  @addHooks([firstSyncHook], [], false)
  syncFunctionsWithHookBefore() {
      'this is the target function with single hook before this function called'

and the firstSyncHook must be a function like this

function firstSyncHook() {
  console.log('this is first synchronous hooks')

add hook after your target function called

   * add hooks after target function called
  @addHooks([], [firstSyncHook], false)
  syncFunctionWithHookAfter() {
      'this is the target function with single hook after this function called'

add multiple hooks

   * add multiple hooks as much as you want,
   * the ordering are matters
   * in this case, `firstSyncHook` will executed first and after it done
   * the `secondSyncHook` will be executed
  @addHooks([firstSyncHook, secondSyncHook], [], false)
  syncFunctionWithMultipleHooks() {
    console.log('this is the target function with multiple hooks')

pass arguments to target function

   * you can pass params just like a common functions
   * and your hooks will have same params like the target function
  @addHooks([hookWithParams], [], false)
  functionWithHooksAndParams(param1: string, param2: number) {
      `this is the target function with hooks and params :{${param1} ${param2}} `

and the hookWithParam must be a function like this

function hookWithParams(param1: string, param2: number) {
  console.log(`this is synchronous hooks with params:{ ${param1} ${param2} }`)

hooks that will throw an Error?

   * if your hooks are throwing an error, the next step will not executed
   * because hooks are run synchronously
  @addHooks([hookWithError], [], false)
  functionWithErrorHook() {
    console.log('This statement will not executed')

Basic usage for async function

We can add some hooks to async function too, yeay !

   * you can also handle the async function with hooks,
   * and you can also pass the sync or Async hook to the Async function
   * it will work fine :D
  @addAsyncHooks([firstAsyncHook], [], false)
  async functionWithAsyncHook() {
    console.log('Yeay we can handle async function too :D !!')

   * this function are same like the Async function above
  @addAsyncHooks([firstAsyncHook], [], false)
  functionWhichReturnPromise() {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      setTimeout(() => resolve('Yeay we can handle this too !!'))

Middleware concept

:warning: Warning !!! this features maybe unstable

ts-hooks v.0.1.0-rc3 is already support the middleware concept, you can use it like middleware in express.js (see express middleware) the middleware concept will provide a next callback to your hooks function, if in your hooks function you called the next() callback it will execute the next process/function depends on the process/function stack

Example usage

if you set your hooks like this

  @addHooks([hookAsMiddleware], [], true)
  functionWithHookAsMiddleware(param1: string) {
    console.log('this is origin function with params : ', param1)

then the hookAsMiddleware must be a function like this

 * import next type from `ts-hooks`
import { Next } from 'ts-hooks'
 * remember that the first param of hook in middleware concept is always
 * `next`, and the next params is depends to the target function
 * @param next callback function, if you invoked this callback, then the next process will be executed
 * otherwise the next process will not be executed
 * @param param1 this param is depend to the target function
function hookAsMiddleware(next: Next, param1: string) {
    'this is hook function that implement middleware concept with params : ',
   * you can override the params that will be retrieved in the next process/function
  next('override params from hooks')

and if you execute it, it should be like this

this is hook function that implement middleware concept with params :  origin params
this is origin function with params :  override params from hooks

Process stack

ts-hooks has a process stack or sequence of processes that will be executed, and it will be like this

firstHooksBefore  <- if this error, then the next process(secondHooksBefore, originFunction, etc) will not be executed, and returned value will be undefined/null

if you're using the middleware concept, the process stack will be like this

firstHooksBefore  <- if this error or the next() callback is not called, then the next process(secondHooksBefore, originFunction, etc) will not be executed, and returned value will be undefined/null

for full example you can look at the example folder in this repository,

hope this repository can help you guys :blush: