A typescript client for communicating with a local or remote instance of linux containers. The interface is object-oriented, simple and uniform. Unrestrictive with an open MIT license.
This package was ported from Alan Doherty's node-lxd
and updated to support TypeScript and modern async/await style code.
This package forked from node-lxd
, but it should not be considered a drop-in replacement, as we've made several breaking changes.
$ npm install --save node-lxd
Getting Started
The following example connects to the local LXC instance and launches a new container.
import lxd from "ts-lxd";
const client = lxd();
(async () => {
const container = await client.createContainer("myContainer", "ubuntu");
await container.start();
console.log("Started " +;
The following example uses an express application to allow users to create containers and execute commands.
// requires
import express, { Request, Response, NextFunction } from "express";
import lxd, { Client, Container, Process } from "lxd";
const client: Client = lxd();
const app = express();"/create", function(req: Request, res: Response, _next: NextFunction): void {
try {
const container = await client.launchContainer(;
res.json({success: true, message: "Container launched"});
} catch (err) {
res.json({success: false, message: err.getMessage()});
});"/run", async function(req: Request, res: Response, _next: NextFunction) {
try {
const containers: Container[] = await client.containers();
for (const container of containers) {
if ( === {
let process;
process = await" "));
if (process.stdErr.length > 0) {
res.json({success: false, message: stdErr});
} else {
res.json({success: true, message: stdOut});
res.json({success: false, message: "Container does not exist"});
} catch (err) {
res.json({success: false, message: err.getMessage()});
app.listen(3000, function(err) {
if (!err) {
console.log("listening on port 3000");