
👷‍♂️🖼✅ A simple mockup generator based on 💪 TypeScript, 🖼 JIMP, and 👷‍♂️ Puppeteer.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsMockupGenerator from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-mockup-generator';



👷‍♂️🖼✅ A simple mockup generator based on 💪 TypeScript 3.7.2, 🖼 JIMP, and 👷‍♂️ Puppeteer.

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iPad Pro Example


Got a website that you want to create a mockup for? Simply pass in the URL into this CLI and it will generate screenshots with a real browser and then put them into a mockup.


  • Add more devices (MacBook, Desktop, Browser windows, ...).
  • Add more CLI options.
  • Add better folder structure
  • Add support for crawling multiple pages
  • Use a smaller version of puppeteer
  • Add image optimization for size
  • Add support for multiple processes multiple threads via worker threads
  • Run multiple instances of puppeteer in parallel


Install locally:

# Install
npm i -g ts-mockup-generator

# Run with a url
ts-mockup-generator --url https://github.com/simulieren/ts-mockup-generator


npx ts-mockup-generator --url https://github.com/simulieren/ts-mockup-generator

Note: This will download about 112MB of Chromium for Puppeteer.


-u --url

URL of site to use for mockup generation. The hostname will be used as the folder name.

Example: https://github.com/simulieren/ts-mockup-generator will generate a folder with the name of github inside of the mockup folder.

-s --scroll (optional)

Default: 20 Increase the distance between screenshots. The browser is scrolled by using the keyboards arrow key.

-w --wait (optional)

Default: 0 Wait in between screenshots and scrolling. This is useful when the page has got animations on scroll and you want to wait for them to finish before taking a screenshot.

-S --skip-images (optional)

Default: false Skip the screenshot generation process in Puppeteer. Use this if you already generated some images and want to skip to the mockup generation process.

-d --device (optional)

Default: ["iPad Pro landscape", "iPhone X"]

Select a device type to use for the screenshot generation process. You can get a list of available devices from the Puppeteer device list: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/blob/master/lib/DeviceDescriptors.js

-f --folder (optional)

Default: mockups

-D --debug (optional)

Default: false

Debug the CLI options.



npm run dev

Runs the CLI application.

You can pass arguments to your application by running npm run dev -- --your-argument. The extra -- is so that your arguments are passed to your CLI application, and not npm.

npm run dev -- --url https://www.google.com


npm run clean

Removes any built code and any built executables.


npm run build

Cleans, then builds the TypeScript code.

Your built code will be in the ./dist/ directory.


npm run test

Cleans, then builds, and tests the built code.


npm run bundle

Cleans, then builds, then bundles into native executables for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Your shareable executables will be in the ./exec/ directory.


This is based on the typescript-cli-starter by Khalid Zoabi

Devices are by FACEBOOK Design.