ts-mongodb-orm (Typescript Orm wrapper for Mongodb)
ORM for MongoDB with 0 dependencies. Ready for production use.
The codes are well written in consistency and intuitive with respect to the original mongodb library.
Please check the examples below to check out all the amazing features!
This library have zero dependencies, which means it works with your own mongodb package version. To start with, simply install the official mongodb package and its type.
npm install --save mongodb @types/mongodb
To use with mongodb@4.x.x versions, please use Nodejs 12 or above.
This library has been tested with the follow mongodb versions:
- compatible with ts-mongodb-orm@2.0.x
- mongodb@4.1.0
- compatible with ts-mongodb-orm@1.0.x
- mongodb@3.6.11
- mongodb@3.6.9
- mongodb@3.6.3
- mongodb@3.6.0
- mongodb@3.5.10
- mongodb@3.4.1
- mongodb@3.3.5
- mongodb@3.2.7
Project Setup
- npm install -s mongodb@latest
- npm install -s ts-mongodb-orm@latest
- In tsconfig.json
- set "experimentalDecorators" to true.
- set "emitDecoratorMetadata" to true.
- set "strictNullChecks" to true.
Example: Quick Start
import { Binary, createConnection, Document, Field, Index, ObjectId } from "ts-mongodb-orm";
@Index({numberValue: -1})
@Document({collectionName: "CustomCollectionName"}) // default to Class name
class QuickStart {
public _id!: ObjectId;
public stringValue?: string;
public numberValue: number = 0;
public booleanValue: boolean = false;
@Field({index: -1})
public dateValue: Date = new Date();
public arrayValue: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
public objectArrayValue: any = {};
public binary: Binary = new Binary(Buffer.alloc(0));
async function quickStartExample() {
const connection = await createConnection({
uri: "mongodb+srv://",
dbName: "DbName",
mongoClientOptions: {
w: "majority",
ignoreUndefined: true, // preventing saving null value in server side
serverSelectionTimeoutMS: 5000,
// operations
const repository = connection.getRepository(QuickStart);
await repository.createCollection({strict: true}); // throw error if collection already exist
await repository.syncIndex();
await repository.dropCollection();
// documents operations
const document1 = new QuickStart();
document1.stringValue = "hello world 1";
document1.numberValue = 999;
await repository.insert(document1);
await repository.update(document1);
await repository.delete(document1);
// query
const findDocument1 = await repository.findOne(document1._id);
const findDocument2 = await repository.query().filter("_id", document1._id).findOne();
const aggregate1 = await repository.aggregate().count("numberValue").findOne();
// transaction
const transactionManager = connection.getTransactionManager();
await transactionManager.startTransaction(async (session) => {
const document2 = repository.create({stringValue: "hello world 2"});
await repository.insert(document2, {session});
// atomic lock
const lockManager = connection.getLockManager();
await lockManager.createCollection(); // this need to be called once to create the collection
await lockManager.startLock("lockKey", async () => {
Example: Query
async function queryExample() {
// findOne all documents
const allDocuments = await repository.query().findMany();
// async iterator
const iterator = await repository.query().filter("numberValue", 1).getAsyncIterator();
for await (const document1 of iterator) {
// handle document
// delete many by condition
const query2 = repository.query();
const deletedTotal = await query2
.filter("numberValue", 1)
// update many by condition
const query3 = repository.query();
const updatedTotal = await query3
.filter("numberValue", 1)
.inc("numberValue", 10)
// all kind of complex query
const query4 = repository.query({weakType: true})
.filter("field1", x => x.elemMatchObject(y => y.filter("hello", 1)))
.filter("field2", x => x.elemMatch(y =>
.filter("field3", x =>
.filter("field4", x =>[1, 2, 3]))
.filter("field5", x => x.nin([1, 2, 3]))
.filter("field6", x => x.size(3))
.filter("field7", x => x.mod(10, 1))
.filter("field8", x => x.not(y =>
.filter("field9", x => x.regex("/abcd/"))
.or(x => {
x.filter("fieldA.a", 5)
.or("fieldA.b", y => y.exists(false))
.or("fieldA.c", y => y.type(mongodbDataTypes.array));
.and(x => {
x.filter("fieldB.a", y => y.bitsAllClear(1))
.filter("fieldB.b", y => y.bitsAllSet([1, 2]))
.filter("fieldB.c", y => y.bitsAnyClear(1))
.filter("fieldB.d", y => y.bitsAnySet([1, 2]));
.nor(x => {
x.filter("fieldC.a", 7);
Example: Aggregate
async function aggregateExample() {
// iterator
const iterator = await repository.aggregate({allowDiskUse: true, maxTimeMS: 5000})
.match(x => x.filter("numberValue", 1))
.project({_id: 1})
for await (const item of iterator) {
// find total
const result1 = await repository.aggregate()
.match(x => x.filter("numberValue", 1))
// skip
const results2 = await repository.aggregate()
.sort({index: 1})
// some field you may want weakType
const result3 = await repository.aggregate({weakType: true})
.match(x => x.filter("anyFieldName", 1))
// cast to document directly
const result4 = await repository.aggregate()
const {stringValue} = result4!;
Example: Transaction
async function transactionExample() {
const transactionManager1 = connection.getTransactionManager({maxRetry: 2});
try {
const result = await transactionManager1.startTransaction(async (session) => {
const document1 = new QuickStart();
await repository.insert(document1, {session});
const foundDocument1 = await repository.findOne(document1._id, {session});
const foundDocument2 = await repository.query({session})
.filter("_id", document1._id)
// we can abort transaction
if (1 < 2) {
await session.abortTransaction();
return [1, 2, 3];
// value = [1, 2, 3];
const {value, hasCommitted} = result;
} catch (err) {
// manage error
Example: Manage Index
async function manageIndexExample() {
@Index({name: 1, value: -1}, {sparse: true})
@Index({uniqueField: 1}, {unique: true})
@Index({dateField: 1}, {expireAfterSeconds: 10})
@Index({filterField: 1}, {partialFilterExpression: {numberValue: {$gt: 5}}})
@Index({textField: "text"})
class IndexDocument {
public _id!: ObjectId;
public uniqueField?: string;
public dateField?: Date;
public filterField?: string;
public textField?: string;
public numberValue?: number;
const repository1 = connection.getRepository(IndexDocument);
// syncIndexes will drop non exist index and then new a new one
// this will also create collection if not exist
await repository1.syncIndex();
// addIndexes will only try to new new one
// this will also create collection if not exist
await repository1.addIndex();
// drop all index
await repository1.dropIndex();
// compare the existing index with decorators
await repository1.compareIndex();
Example: Watch
async function watchExample() {
const stream =;
stream.on("error", err => {
// any possible error
stream.on("insert", next => {
const {document, documentKey, operationType} = next;
stream.on("update", next => {
stream.on("delete", next => {
stream.on("change", next => {
// any type of operations includes insert, update, delete, replace, drop, dropDatabase, rename, invalidate
stream.on("end", () => {
// steam is ended
stream.on("close", () => {
// steam is closed
Example: Hook
async function hookExample() {
class HookDocument {
public _id!: ObjectId;
public afterLoad() {
// this won't await for promise
public before(type: string) { // type: afterLoad, upsert, insert, update, delete
// this won't await for promise
const repository1 = connection.getRepository(HookDocument);
const document1 = repository1.create();
await repository1.insert(document1);
Example: Schema Validation
async function schemaValidationExample() {
class SchemaValidationDocument {
public _id!: ObjectId;
@Field({isRequired: true, schema: {bsonType: "string"}})
public stringField?: string;
@Field({isRequired: true, schema: {bsonType: "date"}})
public dateField?: Date;
@Field({isRequired: true, schema: {type: "number", minimum: 10, exclusiveMinimum: true}})
public numberField?: number;
@Field({schema: {bsonType: "object", additionalProperties: true, properties: {name: {bsonType: "string"}}}})
public objectField?: any;
const repository1 = connection.getRepository(SchemaValidationDocument);
// this will also create collection with validation
await repository1.createCollection();
// or you can sync the validation later on (this need admin right)
await repository1.syncSchemaValidation();
// view existing validation
const options = await repository1.getCollection().options();
try {
const document1 = repository1.create();
await repository1.insert(document1);
} catch (err) {
// err.message === "Document failed validation"
Example: Error
async function errorExample() {
// allow you to debug async error more easily (default: true)
tsMongodbOrm.useFriendlyErrorStack = true;
const document1 = new QuickStart();
await repository.insert(document1);
await repository.delete(document1);
try {
await repository.update(document1);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof TsMongodbOrmError) {
// error managed by this library
} else if (err instanceof MongoError) {
// error from the native mongodb library
} else {
// other error
Example: Buffer
async function bufferExample() {
// for some reason, promoteBuffers will cause some initialize error in mongodb@v3.4.1
const connection = await createConnection({
uri: "mongodb+srv://",
dbName: "DbName",
mongoClientOptions: {
w: "majority",
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
ignoreUndefined: true, // preventing saving null value in server side
promoteBuffers: true, // if you wanted to use native JS buffer directly
class BufferDocument {
public _id!: ObjectId;
public buffer: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(0);
public bufferObject?: {buffer: Buffer};
const repository = connection.getRepository(BufferDocument);
const document = await repository.create({buffer: Buffer.alloc(10)});
await repository.insert(document);
const findDocument = await repository.findOne(document._id);
if (findDocument && findDocument.buffer instanceof Buffer) {
// true
More Detailed Examples
Examples are in the tests/
Sample | Source Code |
General | source code |
Active Record | source code |
Aggregate | source code |
Capped | source code |
Compatibility | source code |
Error | source code |
Index | source code |
LockManager | source code |
RankManager | source code |
Transaction Manager | source code |
Watch | source code |
Query | source code |
Hook | source code |
Schema Validation | source code |