
Yet another configurable linter for TypeScript and JavaScript.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsStandardx from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-standardx';



Yet another configurable linter for TypeScript and JavaScript.

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๐Ÿš€ Features


๐Ÿ’พ Install

npm install --save-dev ts-standardx

๐Ÿค– CLI

$ npx ts-standardx

To enable auto fix and format, use --fix.

$ npx ts-standardx --fix

To lint text from stdin, use - or --stdin.

$ echo "const greet = ( ) => 'hi'" | npx ts-standardx -

  error  'greet' is assigned a value but never used.  no-unused-vars

  error  Delete `ยท`  prettier/prettier

Run `ts-standardx --fix` to automatically fix some problems.

Add --fix to output fixed text.

$ echo "const greet = ( ) => 'hi'" | npx ts-standardx - --fix

const greet = () => 'hi'


ts-standardx: Yet another configurable linter for TypeScript and JavaScript. (https://github.com/exuanbo/ts-standardx#readme)

Usage: ts-standardx <flags> [FILES...]

  If FILES is omitted, all source files (*.ts, *.tsx, *.js, *.jsx, *.mjs, *.cjs)
  in the current working directory will be checked recursively.

  By default, files/folders that begin with '.' like .eslintrc .cache/ and
  paths in .gitignore are automatically ignored.

  --fix                Automatically fix problems

  --env                Use custom eslint environment
  --ext                Specify file extensions
  --global             Declare global variable
  --parser             Use custom parser (e.g. babel-eslint)
  --plugin             Use custom eslint plugin

  --stdin              Read file text from stdin
  --disable-gitignore  Disable use of .gitignore by default

  -h, --help           Show usage information
  -v, --version        Show current version

โŒจ๏ธ API


// index.d.ts

import {
  Linter as __Linter,
  CLI as __CLI
} from 'standard-engine-ts'

declare const options: ProvidedOptions

declare class Linter extends __Linter {
  constructor(customOptions?: ProvidedOptions)
declare class CLI extends __CLI {
  constructor(customOptions?: ProvidedOptions)

export { CLI, Linter, options }

โš™๏ธ Configuration

ts-standardx uses .eslintrc* from the current working directory.

Note that rules for TypeScript need to be placed in overrides as example below.

// .eslintrc.js

module.exports = {
  overrides: [
      files: ['**/*.ts', '**/*.tsx'],
      rules: {
        '@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 'off'

.prettierrc* will be read from the current directory, but these options

  • semi
  • singleQuote
  • trailingComma
  • bracketSameLine
  • arrowParens

will not take effect. The only way to change them is setting in .eslintrc* as example below.

// .eslintrc.js

module.exports = {
  rules: {
    'prettier/prettier': ['error', { ...options }]

Editor extension

Add the default config to extends to use the official ESLint extension.

// .eslintrc.js

module.exports = {
  extends: ['./node_modules/ts-standardx/.eslintrc.js']
But wait a second...

"So why can't I use npx eslint . directly?" Yes, you can :p

๐Ÿ”Ž Details

This package includes:

  • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
  • @typescript-eslint/parser
  • eslint
  • eslint-config-prettier
  • eslint-config-standard
  • eslint-config-standard-jsx
  • eslint-plugin-import
  • eslint-plugin-node
  • eslint-plugin-prettier
  • eslint-plugin-promise
  • eslint-plugin-react
  • prettier
  • standard-engine-ts



import type { Linter } from 'eslint'
import { rules } from './rules'
import { prettierCompatRules, compatRules, prettierTypescriptCompatRules } from './compatRules'
import { isModuleAvailable } from './utils'

  semi: false,
  singleQuote: true,
  trailingComma: 'none',
  bracketSameLine: true,
  arrowParens: 'avoid'

const eslintrc: Linter.BaseConfig = {
  extends: ['standard', 'standard-jsx', 'prettier'],
  plugins: ['prettier'],
  rules: {
    'prettier/prettier': ['error', PRETTIER_STANDARD],
  overrides: isModuleAvailable('typescript')
    ? [
          files: ['**/*.ts', '**/*.tsx'],
          extends: ['plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended'],
          rules: {
    : undefined

export default eslintrc

๐Ÿค” Why


๐Ÿ“ƒ Todo

  • Document
  • Allow specify parserOptions.project
  • Remove eslint-config-standard-jsx


MIT License ยฉ 2021 Exuanbo