
Some small tools for the ts3 client query api

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ts3tools from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts3tools';



Some small tools for the ts3 client query api. I may add some more if I'm bored.

How to run

Install node.js and npm. Run npm install ts3tools and go to the src/ directory.

What is included

  • Poke: coffee poke.coffee "msg" will poke everyone on the server with this message
  • Move :coffee move.coffee "name" will move the person around randomly until he/she disconnects or until you stop the script.
  • Jail: coffee jail.coffee "name" will move the person to one channel over and over again. Channel id is hardcoded.


If you have something that fits in. Just send a PR. If you have ideas for a script, feel free to open an issue.