
Unify TypeScript standards across projects in a highly oipinionated way.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsmill from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tsmill';



Unify TypeScript standards across projects in a highly oipinionated way.

This project installs TypeScript, TSLInt, Jest and Prettier configured according to your organisation's standards so you don't have to.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is not recommended you use this yet. Having said that you may find it usefull to use for bootstrapping your projects however bare in mind everything is in flux and the current published version may not work at all.


Eventually this package will work with npm but for now it is only tested using yarn

Start with an empty project

$ yarn init -y

Install the dependency

$ yarn add --dev tsmill

Then run the initialisation script

$ yarn tsm init

This will alter your package.json and add a few scripts.


After initialisation you should have a tsmill.json file in your root folder.

This folder controls how building and starting works:

  "typescript": [
  "webpack": [
  "static": [


Typescript entry points to run upon start.


Webpack configurations that will be run when build is run.


Folders with contents to be copied into build/static.


tsmill comes with it's own development and production server to run your code. Here is how you can use it to serve web content:

// Import the tsmill/server
import server from 'tsmill/server';

// This is an express server that serves up static assets in the deployment folder.
// Deployment folder is determined based on NODE_ENV.
// In production mode the static folder is in `build/static` 
// In development mode the static folder is in `static`
const app = server();

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Running on 3000');



$ yarn build

Will run the TypeScript compiler on ./src and compile to ./build


$ yarn start

Will start a development server with hot loading.


$ yarn format

Will run prettier on ./src fixing issues in place


$ yarn lint

Will run tslint on ./src fixing issues in place


$ yarn test

Will run jest over the codebase in ./src running tests within all *.test.ts files.

To setup a watch run

$ yarn test --watch