
tsprotobuf is a helper library that contains functions that make working with ProtoBuf easier in Typescript.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsprotobuf from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tsprotobuf';



tsprotobuf is a helper library that contains functions that make working with ProtoBuf easier in Typescript.

License: MIT Coverage Status CircleCI


npm install tsprotobuf



const tsprotobuf = require("tsprotobuf");


import {ObjectProto, ProtobufElement, ProtobufProperty} from "tsprotobuf";

The tsprotobuf namespace will always be available globally and also supports AMD loaders.

Protobuf scheme:

message SearchRequest {
  required string query = 1;
  optional int32 page_number = 2;
  optional int32 result_per_page = 3;



There is an index.d.ts file which makes easy to use current module as external


To get more info about using decorators in TypeScript you can take information here


Decorator for class

Name Type Description
name string Name of scheme in Protobuf model. Optional. If name is not presents. it uses name of class


@ProtobufElement({name: "Person"})
class PersonProto {
    // class body here


Decorator for class properties

Name Type Description
name string Name of property in Protobuf schema
id number Index of property in Protobuf message
required boolean Determines if property is required
repeated boolean Determines if property is repeated
type string Protobuf simple type. bytes, uint32, bool, etc. Default value is bytes
converter IConverter Converter for difficult data
defaultValue any Default value for property
parser typeof ObjectProto Parser class for child Protobuf messages

Example 1

Simple Protobuf message

Protobuf scheme:

message SearchRequest {
  required string query = 1;
  optional int32 page_number = 2;
  optional int32 result_per_page = 3;


class SearchRequestProto extends ObjectProto {

    @ProtobufProperty({ name: "query", id: 1, type: "string", required: true })
    public query: string;

    @ProtobufProperty({ name: "page_number", id: 2, type: "uint32" })
    public pageNumber: number;

    @ProtobufProperty({ name: "result_per_page", id: 3, type: "uint32" })
    public resultPerPage: number;


Example 2

Using converters. Converts Uint8Array (bytes) to ArrayBuffer

Protobuf scheme:

message SecureRequest {
  optional int32 version  = 1;
  optional bytes key = 2;


class SecureRequestProto extends ObjectProto {

    @ProtobufProperty({ name: "version", id: 1, type: "uint32" })
    public version: number;

    @ProtobufProperty({ name: "key", id: 2, type: "bytes", converter: ArrayBufferConverter })
    public key: ArrayBuffer;


Example 3

Nested types

Protobuf scheme:

message SearchResponse {
  message Result {
    required string url = 1;
    optional string title = 2;
  optional Result result = 1;


class ResultProto extends ObjectProto {

    @ProtobufProperty({ name: "url", id: 1, type: "string", required: true })
    public url: string;

    @ProtobufProperty({ name: "title", id: 2, type: "string" })
    public title: string;


class SearchResponseProto extends ObjectProto {

    @ProtobufProperty({ name: "result", id: 1, type: "bytes", parser: ResultProto })
    public result: ResultProto;


Example 4


class BaseProto extends ObjectProto {

    @ProtobufProperty({ name: "version", id: 1, type: "uint32", defaultValue: 1 })
    public version: number;


class RequestMessageProto extends BaseProto {

    @ProtobufProperty({ name: "text", id: 2, type: "string" })
    public text: string;


Example 5


Protobuf scheme:

message CryptoKey {
  required string algorithm = 1;
  required string type = 2;
  required bool extractable = 3;
  repeated string usages = 4;

message CryptoKeys {
    repeated CryptoKey keys = 1;


class CryptoKeysProto extends ObjectProto {

    static INDEX = 0;

    @ProtobufProperty({ id: CryptoKeyProto.INDEX++, type: "string", required: true })
    public algorithm: string;
    @ProtobufProperty({ id: CryptoKeyProto.INDEX++, type: "string", required: true })
    public type: string;

    @ProtobufProperty({ id: CryptoKeyProto.INDEX++, type: "bool", required: true })
    public extractable: boolean;
    @ProtobufProperty({ id: CryptoKeyProto.INDEX++, type: "string", repeated: true })
    public usages: string[];


class CryptoKeysProto extends ObjectProto {

    static INDEX = 0;

    @ProtobufProperty({ id: CryptoKeysProto.INDEX++, repeated: true, parser: CryptoKeyProto })
    public items: CryptoKeyProto[];


// Using

const keys = new CryptoKeysProto();

const key1 = new CryptoKeysProto();
key1.algorithm = "RSA";
key1.type = "public";
key1.extractable = false;
key1.usages = ["verify"];

const key2 = new CryptoKeysProto();
key2.algorithm = "ECDH";
key2.type = "private";
key2.extractable = false;
key2.usages = ["deriveKey", "deriveBits"];

keys.items = [key1, key2];

    .then((raw) => {
