
Tus protocol middleware for Express (resumable file upload)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tusboy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tusboy';



Build Status

Express middleware for tus resumable upload protocol. Uses abstract-tus-store. Name inspired by busboy.



npm install --save tusboy

Requires Node v6+


See ./test directory for usage examples.

Boilerplate example usage with s3-tus-store:

import tusboy from 'tusboy'
import s3store from 's3-tus-store'
import aws from 'aws-sdk'
import { Passthrough } from 'stream'

import express from 'express'

const bucket = 'my-bucket'
const client = new aws.S3({
  accessKeyId: process.env.S3_ACCESS_KEY,
  secretAccessKey: process.env.S3_SECRET_KEY
const store = s3store({ client, bucket })

const app = express()
  // .use(authenticate)
  .use('/:username/avatar', new express.Router({ mergeParams: true })
    .get('/', (req, res, next) => {
      const key = `users/${req.params.username}/avatar-resized`
      const rs = store.createReadStream(key, ({ contentLength, metadata }) => {
        res.set('Content-Type', metadata.contentType)
        res.set('Content-Length', contentLength)
      }).on('error', next)
    .use('/upload', tusboy(store, {
      getKey: (req) => {
        // Always return same key... last successful completed upload
        // wins. Can throw here if authz error.
        const key = `users/${req.params.username}/avatar`
        return key
      beforeComplete: async (req, upload, uploadId) => {},
      afterComplete: async (req, upload, completedUploadId) => {
        const key = `users/${req.params.username}/avatar`
        console.log(`Completed upload ${completedUploadId}`)
        // If you return a promise, the last patch request will
        // block until promise is resolved.
        // e.g you could resize avatar and write it to .../avatar-resized
        const rs = store.createReadStream(key)
          // .pipe(resizeImage) actually resize image...
        const resizedKey = `users/${req.params.username}/avatar-resized`
        const { uploadId } = await store.create(resizedKey, {
          metadata: upload.metadata,
          uploadLength: upload.uploadLength,
        await store.append(uploadId, rs)
