
tuzi Framework

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tuzi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tuzi';



A fast and lightweight non-MVC framework.



Install this globally and you'll have access to the tuzi command anywhere on your system.

npm install -g tuzi

Initialize Application

cd your-app

Enable Livereload

  1. Start watching task:

    grunt watch &
  2. Start your app with -l or --livereload parameter. Example:

    ./server.js -l


  1. You can also change port of livereload here.
  2. See also grunt-contrib-watch.
  3. Remember NOT to delete this in your app.
  4. livereload.js will be removed after running grunt ejs because of this. Be free to use this feature.

Build your site

  1. Generate your pages and minimize static resources.

  2. Add root and /lib/ to your HTTP server configuration. Nginx Example:

    root /path/to/your-app/dist/;
    location /lib/ {
        alias /path/to/your-app/bower_components/;

Q & A

  • Why is it so FAST and light than any other frameworks?

    The most common use-case of tuzi is just writing/serving static pages. Every thing on the server should be LOGIC-LESS. Everything logic should be compiled to static files before uploading to the production (nginx) OR after browser loading pages.

  • Why is it not MVC based?

    Everybody likes RESTful development nowadays, right? So it's time to drop MVC and start a new life. You can use angular or something else (XHR/XDR/JSONP/WebSocket) to fetch data from other servers.

  • Is it really a FRAMEWORK?

    tuzi is just like express. It is showing you a way to develop and manage your code/logic. I'm not really sure whether it should be called "F-R-A-M-E-W-O-R-K" but it should be helpful for our development.

  • Where is your/my test?

    It should be in test/ if there was.