
Simple scraper to get the data from

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tvcom from '';



A simple way to get data from the website.


tvcom is pretty straight forward. It has three methods, shows, episodes, summary.

shows(number, callback)

Returns an array of the number most popular tv-shows. It's should noted that this list is not sorted

var tvcom = require('tvcom');
tvcom.shows(10, function(err, shows) { ... });

    'game-of-thrones': {
        id: 'game-of-thrones',
        title: 'Game of Thrones',
        icon: '',
        description: 'Game of Thrones is an ...'
    'greys-anatomy': {
        id: 'greys-anatomy',
        title: 'Grey\'s Anatomy',
        icon: '',
        description: 'Grey\'s Anatomy is a ...'

episodes(id, callback)

Returns an array with all the seasons, with an array of all the episodes in that season.

var tvcom = require('tvcom');
tvcom.episodes('game-of-thrones', function(err, episodes) { ... });

            title: 'A Hard Day\'s Night',
            firstAired: '3/27/05',
            season: '1',
            episode: '1',
            rating: '9.3',
            description: 'Meet Meredith Grey. Daughter of ...'
            title: 'The First Cut Is the Deepest',
            firstAired: '4/3/05',
            season: '1',
            episode: '2',
            rating: '9.1',
            description: 'The surgical staff tries to ...'
            title: 'Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head',
            firstAired: '9/25/05',
            season: '2',
            episode: '1',
            rating: '9.3',
            description: 'Picks up where ...'

summary(id, callback)

Returns an object with a description, some images, videos, and news. The data is from

var tvcom = require('tvcom');
tvcom.summary('game-of-thrones', function(err, summary) { ... });

    title: 'Grey\'s Anatomy',
    rating: '8.8',
    description: 'Grey\'s Anatomy is a ...' }
    cast: [
            name: 'Camilla Luddington',
            role: 'Dr. Jo Wilson (Season 10+)',
            icon: '//'
    news: [
            teaser: 'TV IN DA CLUBUPFRONTS 2013',
            title: 'News Briefs: Starz and 50 Cent Are Powering Up for a New DramaABC\'s 2013-2014 Schedule: S.H.I.E.L.D. on Tuesdays, Less DWTS, and OUAT \'s New Spinoff on Thursdays',
            link: '',
            icon: '//',
            comments: '7',
            date: '10 hours ago',
            by: {
                name: 'Tim Surette',
                link: ''
    photos: [
            icon: '',
            link: '',
            title: 'Patrick Dempsey and Ellen Pompeo on Grey...',
            credit: '© 2013 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.'
    clips: [
            icon: '',
            link: '',
            title: 'Jessica Capshaw Interview',
            date: '9/25/09',
            time: '02:58'
