
Fast additive tween composition engine

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tweenAxis from '';



Fast, additive, reversible, delta based, tween composition engine

  • Allow to apply forward and backward multiples tweens on same properties and multiple objects
  • Allow additive tweening
  • Allow frame pre-generation,
  • tween-axis only compose numeric tween, no css muxer is included
  • Work in anywhere environment

Really basic example :

import TweenAxis from "tween-axis";

let axis    = new TweenAxis(
                from    : 0,
                duration: 100,
                // easeFn  : "easePolyOut", // any fn from or the easing function
                target  : "myTargetId",
                apply   : {
                    value: 200
                from    : 0,
                duration: 100,
                // easeFn  : "easePolyIn", // any fn from or the easing function
                target  : "myTargetId",
                apply   : {
                    value: -100
   context = {
        myTargetId: {
            value: 0

// Use the goTo method to set position basing real axis position
console.log(axis.goTo(50, context));
// { myTargetId: { value: 50 } }
console.log(axis.goTo(25, context));
// { myTargetId: { value: 25 } }
console.log(axis.goTo(75, context));
// { myTargetId: { value: 75 } }

// use the (axis).go method to set position using position/(axis total duration) value
console.log(axis.go(.5, context));
//{ myTargetId: { value: 50 } }
console.log(axis.go(.25, context));
//{ myTargetId: { value: 25 } }
console.log(axis.go(.75, context));
//{ myTargetId: { value: 75 } }

Todo :

  • Optims updates
  • allow negative tween position
  • Recycling updates
  • more doc
