
Dispatch Twilio webhooks to multiple endpoints

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import twilioWebhookDispatch from '';



Node packege to be used in Twilio Serverless to dispatch Twilio webhooks to multiple endpoints. It can be used as well to modify the payload before sending it to a Twilio webhook handler. The webhook will be dispatched with a valid x-twilio-signature header.


  • Add twilio-webhook-dispatch to your Twilio serverless environment


Dispatch your webhook to single destination

const TwilioWebhookDispatch = require('twilio-webhook-dispatch');

exports.handler = function (context, event, callback) {
  TwilioWebhookDispatch(context, event, 'https://my.endpoi.nt')
    .then(() => callback(null, response))
    .catch(err, callback(500, null));

Dispatch your webhook to multiple destinations

const TwilioWebhookDispatch = require('twilio-webhook-dispatch');

exports.handler = function (context, event, callback) {
  TwilioWebhookDispatch(context, event, ['https://my.endpoi.nt/route1', 'https://my.endpoi.nt/route2'])
    .then(() => callback(null, response))
    .catch(err, callback(500, null));

Modify your resource before sending it to a Twilio webhook handler

Let's say you want to modify an incoming message before sending it to Twilio Proxy handler (i.e.

const TwilioWebhookDispatch = require('twilio-webhook-dispatch');

exports.handler = function (context, event, callback) {
  event.body = 'Body has been redacted'
  TwilioWebhookDispatch(context, event, '')
    .then(() => callback(null, response))
    .catch(err, callback(500, null));