Twinkle CSS
This is a minified but unpurged build of Tailwind CSS 2.0.2 with autoprefixer, Inter font, and plugins like aspect-ratio, forms, typography etc. See tailwind.config.js
Uncompressed, this turns out to be about 3.2 MB. But when served via a CDN that supports Brotli-compression (eg: or Cloudflare), this is less than 250KB in size. This is a bit heavy but it becomes much more easier to work on multiple sites that cannot use custom builds which requires NodeJS and NPM.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Run npm install
and then npm run build
to generate a local twinkle.min.css
If you want to add your own component classes, add them in myapp.css
. And if you want to add/remove Tailwind plugins, customize the default theme or breakpoints or add/remove variants, modify tailwind.config.js