
Use tmi.js with the benefits of the twitch-auth authentication providers.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import twitchAuthTmi from '';


Twitch.js - Authentication for TMI.js

Use tmi.js with the added benefits of twitch-auth's automatic token handling.


yarn add twitch-auth twitch-auth-tmi

or using npm:

npm install twitch-auth twitch-auth-tmi

How to use

This package is generally used like tmi.js is normally, with just a single minor change.

It completely ignores the identity option, and instead takes an authProvider option which takes an AuthProvider instance that can be used for other twitch packages as well.

This also offers the additional benefit of being able to refresh tokens internally using a refreshable AuthProvider.


Taken from the tmi.js README and adapted for this package:

const tmi = require('twitch-auth-tmi');
const { StaticAuthProvider } = require('twitch-auth');
const authProvider = new StaticAuthProvider('my-client-id', 'my-bot-token');
const client = new tmi.Client({
    options: { debug: true, messagesLogLevel: 'info' },
    connection: {
        reconnect: true,
        secure: true
    authProvider: authProvider,
    channels: ['my-channel']
client.on('message', (channel, tags, message, self) => {
    if (self) return;
    if (message.toLowerCase() === '!hello') {
        client.say(channel, `@${tags.username}, heya!`);

If you're getting stuck...

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