
Twitter jukebox

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import twitspot from '';


twitspot - Twitter jukebox

Play music with Twitter, Spotify, TIDAL and Slack, user generated playlists and party starter! :)


  1. Install Node.js.
  2. Visit and create your Hashmusictag, #🎵. :)
  3. From your Terminal enter the commands on your Hashmusictag page.
  4. Enter your Spotify or TIDAL username and password, keys for Twitter can be obtained from your Twitter Apps.
  5. Return to your Hashmusictag page, and
  6. Start a party! :)
sudo npm -g install twitspot

Spotify dependencies

node-spotify requires libspotify, for example on OS X you can install with Homebrew. Note you'll also need Xcode and the command line tools installed before installing Homebrew.

xcode-select --install
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install libspotify

You'll need to download your Binary key from your Spotify application keys, and transfer your spotify_appkey.key to your home directory.

mv ~/Downloads/spotify_appkey.key ~/

TIDAL dependencies

The unofficial Node.js TidalAPI requires ffmpeg for playback, for example on OS X you can install with Homebrew. Note you'll also need Xcode and the command line tools installed before installing Homebrew.

xcode-select --install
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install ffmpeg

Check spelling with Google's Custom Search Engine API

This approach for spelling correction doesn't always return results, however because Google's results are based on popular terms it works well for correcting the spelling of popular music.

Create your Custom Search Engine configured to Search the entire web and get your Search engine ID. Keys for the API can be obtained from your Google Developers Console.


Currently there is only one parameter for your Hashmusictag. All other parameters are prompted from command-line and saved to the .twitspot configuration file in your home directory.

To listen for #🎵foobar.

twitspot foobar

Slack integration

Bundled with twitspot are a couple Headless framework scripts you can use as a Slack integration, refer to the Slack integration wiki for steps to setup.


Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2016 Patrick Schroen - Released under the MIT License.