
Find a twitter avatar image url from a twitter username.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import twitterAvatarUrl from '';



Find one or more twitter avatar image URLs from one or more twitter usernames.

  • Automatically removes duplicate usernames from the input
  • Handles Twitter API limits for you. This service limits 100 usernames per request but if you pass 200 unique usernames to this function, we will return 200 entries to you.
  • This API is rate limited to 300 requests in a 15 minute window. Each 100-max limited call counts as one request.


npm install twitter-avatar-url

Can use either the v1 or v2 Twitter API. Both require an .env file with a TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN set. You can generate one of these from the Twitter Developer portal by creating an application.


const getTwitterAvatarUrl = require("twitter-avatar-url");

(async function() {
    let avatars = await getTwitterAvatarUrl("zachleat"); // accepts string or array of strings
    // Returns an object like:

        { username: 'jamstackconf',
                small: '',
                large: ''

    console.log( avatars[0].url.large );

Use the Twitter v1 API

const getTwitterAvatarUrl = require("twitter-avatar-url");

let avatars = await getTwitterAvatarUrl("zachleat", {
    twitterApiVersion: 1

// Returns the same object as the v2 API above.