
NodeJs tool for flipping blue/green deployment configuration, communicates with consul server.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import twoface from '';



NodeJs tool for flipping blue/green deployment configuration, communicates with consul server.


npm install -g twoface


Top level commands:

Usage: twoface flip [options]

  Flip the value from green to blue tags, and vice versa


    -h, --help                    output usage information
    -H, --host <consulHost:port>  The host and port of the consul service
    -k, --key <consulKey>         The key which stores the value to be flipped
    -b, --blueTag <blueTag>      The value to use as the blue tag
    -g, --greenTag <greenTag>    The value to use as the green tag

Usage: twoface peek [options]

    Print the opposite to the current live tag value


      -h, --help                    output usage information
      -H, --host <consulHost:port>  The host and port of the consul service
      -k, --key <consulKey>         The key which stores the value to be checked
      -b, --blueTag <blueTag>       The value to use as the blue tag
      -g, --greenTag <greenTag>     The value to use as the green tag