This package provides utilities for strongly-typed, custom JSX implementations.
# With yarn
yarn add typed-jsx
# With NPM
npm install typed-jsx
For constructing XML-like hierarchies of elements
This package exposes utility functions and types for working with strongly-typed JSX.
The package exposes the JSX factory function jsx
which simply converts your JSX into a traversable hierarchy of elements.
All JSX elements are instances of the class Element
, which you can test for using the isJSXElement
Class components must extend Component
, which is simply an empty base class for tagging the objects.
You can check if a component is a class component using the isClassComponent
and whether an object is an instance of a class component using the isComponentInstance
You can also define factory components, which return Component instances (but this is currently causing errors with the TypeScript compiler, despite being allowed in the spec) .
Finally, the visit
function provides a utility for traversing the JSX elements.
/* @jsx jsx */
import { jsx, Component, visit, isClassComponent, isComponentInstance, FactoryComponent, JSXElement } from '../src';
// Function component
interface MyFunctionComponentProps {
n: number;
const MyFunctionComponent = ({ n }: MyFunctionComponentProps) => null;
console.log(<MyFunctionComponent n={1} />);
// Will print:
// Element { element: [Function: MyFunctionComponent], props: { n: 1 } }
// Class component
interface MyClassComponentProps {
s: string;
children?: JSXElement | JSXElement[];
class MyClassComponent extends Component {
constructor(protected readonly props: MyClassComponentProps) {
console.log(<MyClassComponent s="abc" />);
// Will print:
// Element { element: [Function: MyClassComponent], props: { s: 'abc' } }
// Factory component
interface MyFactoryComponentProps {
b?: boolean;
const MyFactoryComponent: FactoryComponent<MyFactoryComponentProps> = ({ b }) =>
b ? new MyClassComponent({ s: 'abc' }) : null;
console.log(<MyFactoryComponent b />);
// Will print:
// Element { element: [Function: MyFactoryComponent], props: { b: true } }
// isClassComponent
console.log('isClassComponent(MyFunctionComponent) =', isClassComponent(MyFunctionComponent));
// Prints isClassComponent(MyFunctionComponent) = false
console.log('isClassComponent(MyClassComponent) =', isClassComponent(MyClassComponent));
// Prints isClassComponent(MyClassComponent) = true
console.log('isClassComponent(MyFactoryComponent) =', isClassComponent(MyFactoryComponent));
// Prints isClassComponent(MyFactoryComponent) = false
// isComponentInstance
console.log('isComponentInstance(MyFunctionComponent({ n: 1 })) =', isComponentInstance(MyFunctionComponent({ n: 1 })));
// Prints isComponentInstance(MyFunctionComponent({ n: 1 })) = false
'isComponentInstance(new MyClassComponent({ s: "abc" })) =',
isComponentInstance(new MyClassComponent({ s: 'abc' })),
// Prints isComponentInstance(new MyClassComponent({ s: "abc" })) = true
'isComponentInstance(MyFactoryComponent({ b: true })) =',
isComponentInstance(MyFactoryComponent({ b: true })),
// Prints isComponentInstance(MyFactoryComponent({ b: true })) = true
// visit
<MyClassComponent s="abc">
<MyClassComponent s="xyz" />
<MyClassComponent s="xyz">
<MyFunctionComponent n={1} />
<MyFactoryComponent b />
<MyFactoryComponent />
<MyFunctionComponent n={1} />
(element: any, parent: any) => console.log(element, parent),
// This will traverse the JSX and print each of the elements in a depth-first search
For constructing hierarchical data structures
The package also exposes another JSX factory function data
, which immediately invokes the "component" functions, class constructors and factory functions to create a nested hierarchy of objects, which allows for a terse and natural way of describing hierarchical data structures, for example file hierarchies.
/* @jsx data */
import { data } from 'typed-jsx';
enum FileType {
File = 'file',
Directory = 'directory',
SymbolicLink = 'symlink',
interface Directory {
type: FileType.Directory;
name: string;
children: Array<File | Directory | SymbolicLink>;
const Directory = (props: Omit<Directory, 'type'>) => ({ type: FileType.Directory, ...props });
interface File {
type: FileType.File;
name: string;
data: Buffer | string;
const File = (props: Omit<File, 'type'>) => ({ type: FileType.File, ...props });
interface SymbolicLink {
type: FileType.SymbolicLink;
name: string;
target: string;
const SymbolicLink = (props: Omit<SymbolicLink, 'type'>) => ({ type: FileType.SymbolicLink, ...props });
const files = (
<Directory name="root">
<Directory name="sub">
<File name="file1" data="..." />
<Directory name="sub2">
<File name="file2" data="..." />
<SymbolicLink name="file3" target="../sub/file1" />
console.log(JSON.stringify(files, undefined, 2));
// Will print:
// {
// "type": "directory",
// "name": "root",
// "children": [
// {
// "type": "directory",
// "name": "sub",
// "children": [
// {
// "type": "file",
// "name": "file1",
// "data": "..."
// }
// ]
// },
// {
// "type": "directory",
// "name": "sub2",
// "children": [
// {
// "type": "file",
// "name": "file2",
// "data": "..."
// },
// {
// "type": "symlink",
// "name": "file3",
// "target": "../sub/file1"
// }
// ]
// }
// ]
// }
Type reference
The package also provides a number of helper types for working with JSX. The following is a reference of all exported types:
import ExtendableError from 'ts-error';
/** Base class of JSX elements */
export declare class Element<T = any, P extends object = any> implements ElementType<T, P> {
readonly element: T;
readonly props: P;
constructor(element: T, props: P);
/** Base interface of JSX Elements */
export interface ElementType<T = any, P extends object = any> extends Element<T, P> {
readonly element: T;
readonly props: P;
/** The map of supported intrinsic elements and their attributes */
export interface JSXIntrinsicElements {}
/** An intrinsic JSX element */
export interface JSXIntrinsicElement<K extends keyof JSXIntrinsicElements = keyof JSXIntrinsicElements>
extends ElementType<K, JSXIntrinsicElements[K]> {}
/** A function component */
export declare type FunctionComponent<P extends object = any, R = any> = (props: P) => R;
/** A JSX function element */
export interface JSXFunctionElement<F extends FunctionComponent = FunctionComponent>
extends ElementType<F, PropsOf<F>> {}
/** Base class of all class components */
export declare abstract class Component implements ComponentInstance {}
/** The instance type of class components and return type of factory components */
export interface ComponentInstance extends Component {}
/** A class component */
export declare type ClassComponent<P extends object = any, R extends ComponentInstance = any> = new (props: P) => R;
/** A JSX class element */
export interface JSXClassElement<C extends ClassComponent = ClassComponent> extends ElementType<C, PropsOf<C>> {}
/** A factory component */
export declare type FactoryComponent<P extends object = any, R extends ComponentInstance = any> = (props: P) => R;
/** A JSX factory element */
export interface JSXFactoryElement<F extends FactoryComponent = FactoryComponent> extends ElementType<F, PropsOf<F>> {}
/** The sum type of all component types */
export declare type ComponentType<P extends object = any, R = any> =
| FunctionComponent<P, R>
| ClassComponent<P, R>
| FactoryComponent<P, R>;
/** Sum type of intrinsic and component JSX elements */
export declare type JSXElement = JSXIntrinsicElement | JSXFunctionElement | JSXClassElement | JSXFactoryElement;
/** Returns the type of the props argument for T */
export declare type PropsOf<T> = T extends keyof JSXIntrinsicElements
? JSXIntrinsicElements[T]
: T extends FunctionComponent<infer P, any>
? P
: T extends ClassComponent<infer P, any>
? P
: T extends FactoryComponent<infer P, any>
? P
: never;
/** Returns the return type `R` of a component */
export declare type ReturnOf<T> = T extends keyof JSXIntrinsicElements
? JSXIntrinsicElement<T>
: T extends FunctionComponent<any, infer R>
? R
: T extends ClassComponent<any, infer R>
? R
: T extends FactoryComponent<any, infer R>
? R
: never;
/** Returns the array representation of children of the props P */
export declare type ChildrenType<P, K extends string | number | symbol = 'children'> = P extends {
[Key in K]: any[];
? P[K]
: P extends {
[Key in K]: any;
? [P[K]]
: [];
/** Function component */
export declare function data<F extends FunctionComponent>(
fn: F,
props: PropsOf<F>,
...children: ChildrenType<PropsOf<F>>
): ReturnOf<F>;
/** Class component */
export declare function data<C extends ClassComponent>(
cls: C,
props: PropsOf<C>,
...children: ChildrenType<PropsOf<C>>
): ReturnOf<C>;
/** Factory component */
export declare function data<F extends FactoryComponent>(
factory: F,
props: PropsOf<F>,
...children: ChildrenType<PropsOf<F>>
): ReturnOf<F>;
export declare namespace data {
namespace JSX {
/** A JSX element describes a function to execute or a class to instantiate and its parameters */
type Element = any;
type IntrinsicElements = {};
type ElementClass = ComponentInstance;
interface IntrinsicAttributes {}
interface IntrinsicClassAttributes<T> {}
interface ElementChildrenAttribute {
children: {};
/** An error indicating an invalid JSX element */
export declare class InvalidJsxElementError extends ExtendableError {
readonly element: any;
constructor(element: any);
/** Returns true if a JSX component is a class (must inherit from Component) */
export declare const isClassComponent: (element: ComponentType<any, any>) => element is ClassComponent<any, any>;
/** Returns true if an object is a ClassElement */
export declare const isComponentInstance: (tag: any) => tag is ComponentInstance;
export function isJSXElement(value: any): value is JSXElement;
/** Returns true if `child` is a sub-class of `parent` */
export declare const isSubClass: (child: Function, parent: Function) => boolean;
/** Intrinsic component */
export declare function jsx<K extends keyof JSXIntrinsicElements>(
tag: K,
props: JSXIntrinsicElements[K],
...children: ChildrenType<JSXIntrinsicElements[K]>
): JSXIntrinsicElement<K>;
/** Function component */
export declare function jsx<F extends FunctionComponent>(
fn: F,
props: PropsOf<F>,
...children: ChildrenType<PropsOf<F>>
): JSXFunctionElement<F>;
/** Class component */
export declare function jsx<C extends ClassComponent>(
cls: C,
props: PropsOf<C>,
...children: ChildrenType<PropsOf<C>>
): JSXClassElement<C>;
/** Factory component */
export declare function jsx<F extends FactoryComponent>(
factory: F,
props: PropsOf<F>,
...children: ChildrenType<PropsOf<F>>
): JSXFactoryElement<F>;
export declare namespace jsx {
namespace JSX {
/** A JSX element describes a function to execute or a class to instantiate and its parameters */
type Element = JSXElement;
type IntrinsicElements = JSXIntrinsicElements;
type ElementClass = ComponentInstance;
interface IntrinsicAttributes {}
interface IntrinsicClassAttributes<T> {}
interface ElementChildrenAttribute {
children: {};
export function mergeChildren<P extends object>(props: P, children: ChildrenType<P>): P;
export function mergeChildren<P, K extends keyof P>(props: P, children: ChildrenType<P, K>, childrenKey: K): P;
export declare type VisitorFunction = {
<T extends JSXElement>(value: T, parent: JSXElement | null): void;
<T extends unknown>(value: T, parent: JSXElement): void;
export function visit(jsx: JSXElement, visitor: VisitorFunction): Promise<void>;