
Generates typed object to provide translations

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import typedLocaleKeys from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/typed-locale-keys';



Generate typescript code from locale keys JSON.

Getting Started


How to use

In package.json

Add to scripts

// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "pretest": "tlk codegen [ENTRY-DIRECTORY]/messages_en.json -o [OUTPUT-DIRECTORY]"

Initialize generated file with translate function

const localeKeys = LocaleKeys(i18nConf.t.bind(i18nConf));

Read interpolation arguments using single curly instead of of double

default is double curly braces. To use single mode pass:

$ tlk codegen --singleCurlyBraces

or setting in configuration package.json:

// package.json
  "typedLocaleKeys": {
    "singleCurlyBraces" : true //optional field. default is false


input: messages_en.json:

  "common": {
    "loggedIn": {
      "message": "Hey, {{username}}, you have successfully logged in!"
  "readingWarning": "{{reader}} reads message from {{writer}}"


/* eslint-disable */
/* tslint:disable */
export function LocaleKeys<R extends string>(t: (...args: unknown[]) => R) {
  return {
    common: {
      loggedIn: {
        message: (data: Record<'username', unknown>) => t('common.loggedIn.message', data),
    readingWarning: (data: Record<'reader' | 'writer', unknown>) => t('readingWarning', data),

export type ILocaleKeys = ReturnType<typeof LocaleKeys>;

output with React Hook:

/* eslint-disable */
/* tslint:disable */
import React from 'react';

export function LocaleKeys<R extends string>(t: (...args: unknown[]) => R) {
  return {
    common: {
      loggedIn: {
        message: (data: Record<'username', unknown>) => t('common.loggedIn.message', data),
    readingWarning: (data: Record<'reader' | 'writer', unknown>) => t('readingWarning', data),

export type ILocaleKeys = ReturnType<typeof LocaleKeys>;

const LocaleKeysContext = React.createContext({} as ILocaleKeys);
export const LocaleKeysProvider: React.FC<{ translateFn?: (...args: unknown[]) => string; localeKeys?: ILocaleKeys }> = ({ translateFn, localeKeys, children }) => {
    if (!translateFn && !localeKeys) { throw new Error('Either translateFn or localeKeys must be provided') }
    const value = (typeof translateFn === 'function' ? LocaleKeys(translateFn) : localeKeys) as ILocaleKeys
    return <LocaleKeysContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</LocaleKeysContext.Provider>;
export const useLocaleKeys = () => React.useContext(LocaleKeysContext);

Configuration file

To read the configuration file cosmiconfig is used so it supports files like .typedlocalekeysrc.json, typedlocalekeys.config.js, package.json etc.:

  "typedLocaleKeys": {
    "entries": {
      "GalleryKeys": {
        "source": "./locale/messages_en.json",
        "output": "./dist/gallery"
      "CommonKeys": "./locale/sub/messages_en.json" // for source only
    "primaryOutput": "./dist", // fallback output (after cli's `--output` fallback)
    "singleCurlyBraces" : false //optional field. default is false
    "reactHook": false //optional field. default is false

More options:

$ tlk codegen --help

Generates a factory from the keys of a locale.json file

  source  Locale JSON file path                                         [string]

      --help               Show help                                   [boolean]
      --version            Show version number                         [boolean]
  -o, --output             Distribution directory for generated factory [string]
  -n, --nested             Should create nested object [boolean] [default: true]
  -t, --translate          Should add translate function. NOTE: will wrap value
                           with function               [boolean] [default: true]
      --showTranslations   Add translations as function's comment
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]
  -f, --functionName       Generated function name
                                                [string] [default: "LocaleKeys"]
      --singleCurlyBraces  Read interpolation arguments using single curly
                           instead of double                           [boolean]
      --reactHook          Generate React bindings (Provider and hook) [boolean]