
Reducer builder for typesafe-actions, including immer for reducer's output

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import typesafeActionsReducerBuilder from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/typesafe-actions-reducer-builder';


Typesafe actions reducer builder

This library provides the function createReducerBuilder: it's a 100% type-hinted builder which creates a redux reducer for a particular state allowing the developer to define reducers per-action basis. It uses the typesafe-actions library to interact with the actions.


  • Builder for redux reducers
  • 100% type-hinted (no way to go "off the trails")
  • returns an Immutable<TState> using immer, always providing immutable states to redux


// myReducer.ts

import createReducerBuilder from 'typesafe-actions-reducer-builder'

// Those are all typesafe-actions actions
import {
  metaAuthorChangeAction,      // PayloadAction<string, string>
  metaTitleChangeAction,       // PayloadAction<string, string>
  metaDescriptionChangeAction, // PayloadAction<string, string>
  metaTagsAddAction,           // PayloadAction<string, string>
  metaTagsRemoveAction,        // PayloadAction<string, string>
  bodyChangeAction,            // PayloadAction<string, string>
} from './actions.ts'

interface DocumentState {
  meta: {
    author: string
    title: string
    description: string
    tags: string[]
  body: string

const initialState: DocumentState {
  meta: {
    author: '',
    title: '',
    description: '',
    tags: [],
  body: ''

const reducer = createReducerBuilder(initialState)
  // reducer's type: Reducer<DocumentState, PayloadAction<string, string>>
  .handle(metaAuthorChangeAction).reducer((state = initialState, action) => {
    state.meta.author = action.payload
    return state
  .handle(metaTitleChangeAction).reducer((state = initialState, action) => {
    state.meta.title = action.payload
    return state
  .handle(metaDescriptionChangeAction).reducer((state = initialState, action) => {
    state.meta.description = action.payload
    return state
  .handle(metaTagsAddAction).reducer((state = initialState, action) => {
    if (!state.meta.tags.includes(action.payload)) {
    return state
  .handle(metaTagsRemoveAction).reducer((state = initialState, action) => {
    if (!state.meta.tags.includes(action.payload)) {
    state.meta.tags.splice(state.meta.tags.indexOf(action.payload), 1)
    return state
  .handle(bodyChangeAction).reducer((state = initialState, action) => {
    state.body = action.payload
    return state

export default reducer