
A Zero-configuration TypeScript transpiler and bundler.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import typescriptBundler from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/typescript-bundler';


TypeScript Bundler

A Zero-configuration TypeScript transpiler and bundler.


  1. Transpile .ts file to .js and .d.ts
  2. Bundle .js and .d.ts output automatically
  3. Inline and treeshaking sideEffectFree: false es modules which defined in devDependencies
  4. Allow multiple .ts entries under bin or lib folder
  5. Compress the public folder with gzip, br2 and webp
  6. Mangle, Prettier output code automatically
  7. Generate package.json for the bundle
  8. Generate settings.js from different type of config files
  9. No intermediate files written on disk, keep your project folder clean
  10. Improve agentframework performance

How to use?

  1. Install
npm i -g git+ssh://git@github.com/e2tox/tsb.git
  1. Make your project structure similar as following:
    |-- bin
    |    |-- cli.ts
    |    |-- ...
    |-- conf
    |    |-- settings.properties
    |    |-- settings.yaml
    |    |-- ...
    |-- lib
    |    |-- index.ts
    |    |-- library.ts
    |    |-- utils.ts
    |    |-- ...
    |-- public
    |    |-- image.gif
    |    |-- page.html
    |    |-- embeded.js
    |    |-- ...
    |-- src
    |    |-- app.ts
    |    |-- utils.ts
    |    |-- services
    |    |    |-- users.ts
    |    |    |-- groups.ts
    |    |    |-- ...
    |    |-- ...
    |-- index.ts
    |-- package.json
    |-- tsconfig.json
  1. run this command at project root

Supported Configuration Files

  • JavaScript File (settings.js)
  • JSON File (settings.json)
  • YAML File (settings.yaml, settings.yml)
  • JSON File (settings.json)
  • JSON5 File (settings.json5)
  • INI File (settings.ini)
  • Properties File (settings.properties)

Report Bugs


Please also include a link to a sample code repository which can reproduce the issue.