
Server component for Uppy's (https://uppy.io) extensible file upload widget with support for drag&drop, resumable uploads, previews, restrictions, file processing/encoding, remote providers like Dropbox and Google Drive, S3 and more :dog:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import uppyServer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/uppy-server';



Uppy logo — a superman puppy in a pink suit

Build Status

Uppy-server is a server integration for Uppy file uploader.

It handles the server-to-server communication between your server and file storage providers such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Instagram, etc. See here for full documentation


npm install uppy-server


Uppy-server may either be used as pluggable express app, which you plug to your already existing server, or it may simply be run as a standalone server:

Plug to already existing server

var express = require('express')
var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
var session = require('express-session')
var uppy = require('uppy-server')

var app = express()
app.use(session({secret: 'some secrety secret'}))
// be sure to place this anywhere after app.use(bodyParser.json()) and app.use(session({...})
const options = {
  providerOptions: {
    google: {
      key: 'GOOGLE_KEY',
      secret: 'GOOGLE_SECRET'
  server: {
    host: 'localhost:3020',
    protocol: 'http',
  filePath: '/path/to/folder/'


To enable uppy socket for realtime feed to the client while upload is going on, you call the socket method like so.

var server = app.listen(PORT)

uppy.socket(server, options)

Run as standalone server

Please ensure that the required env variables are set before runnning/using uppy-server as a standalone server. See.

$ uppy-server

If you cloned the repo from gtihub and want to run it as a standalone server, you may also run the following command from within its directory

npm start

Run as a serverless function

Uppy-server can be deployed as a serverless function to AWS Lambda or other cloud providers through serverless. Check this guide to get started.

After you have cloned the repo go inside examples/serverless:

cd examples/serverless

You can enter your API Keys inside the serverless.yml file:


When you are all set install the dependencies and deploy your function:

npm install && sls deploy

See full documentation