
React hook for setting State with delay

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import useDelayedState from '';



React hook for setting State with delay

NPM JavaScript Style Guide

This is an enhanced useState hook which accepts delay for setState as an extra argument. In most basic form it works same as React useState hook.

Use cases

It can be used for debouncing which simply delays all consecuative attempts for setting a state and if the last call persist for enough time the actual setState runs.

It is also a handy tool for applying timing logics inside react components e.g. Showing a notification for few seconds.


npm install --save use-delayed-state


import React from 'react'
import useDelayedState from 'use-delayed-state'

export default function myComponent() {
  const [state, setState] = useDelayedState(
    'Hello, I will be change in 5 seconds'

  setState('I am new State', 5000)

  return <div>{state}</div>

In above example State will be updated after 5 second.

Debouncing example is more advance implementation of this hook which the source code is available here.

Usage details

const [state, setState, cancelSetState] = useDelayedState(initialState);

// works like regular useState hook
// it will not cancel any ongoing delayed setStates
setState(newState); // or setState(newState, 0)

// setState with delay
// duration unit is millisecond
// it will cancel any ongoing delayed setStates
setState(newState, duration);

// canceling any ongoing delayed state

// setState along with setState with delay in one render
// below codes set State to newState and it will set State to futureState after 2s
setState(futureState, 2000);


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