
React hook for controlling and validating inputs.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import useFormControl from '';



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React hook for controlling and validating inputs.


The hook takes a "validator":

type Validator = RegExp | ((value: string) => boolean);

And returns two things: a ref, and a object containing multiple things: | name | type | description | --- | --- | --- | input | T | The form control element (ref.current). | value | string | The value of the input. | isValid | boolean | True if the value matches the given validator. | hasError | boolean | True if there's an error. | additionalError | string? | Any external error, such as the result of a server-side validation. You can display this string as a message near your form control. | setAdditionalError | (error: string) => void | Sets an additionalError. | focus | () => void | Equivalent to input.focus().

You should attach the ref to your form control, and you're good to go.


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