UTF Circuit Art
╯╭╯● ╰╮╰──╯ ╭───╮╭──╯●╰╯│╭╮╰╮╭╯╰╮│●╰╯ ╰╮╭╮││╰╯╭╯ │ ╰╮ │╰╯│╭╯╭──●││╭╮╰╯ ╰───╮│ ╰╯ ╰╮ ││╭╮│ ╰─╮ ●╭╮││││
╮╰╮╰─╮│ ╭──╯ ╭╮╰╯ ╭╮│ ╭╯│╰╮╰╯●─╯╰╮ ╭─╯│╰╯╰──╯╭─╯ ╭╯╭╯ ●╯╭╯ ╰╯╰╯│●╭────╮╰╯╭╮ ╭──╯●╯││╰╯ ╭╮╰─╮╰╯│●╰╯│●
│╭╯╭╮││●─╯ ╭╯╰─╮ │││╭╯ ╰─╯╭──╮● │╭─●──╯ ╭● ●─●╮│ ╭╮ ╭╯ ● ╭●─╯ ╰● ╭╯╭─╯│╭╯ ╭╮ │╰╮ ╰╯ ●╰●─╯│╭─╯│
╯╰─╯╰●│╰╮ ╭╮ ╰───╯╭╯│╰╯╭╮╭╮ ● ●╯ ╭╯│ ╭╮ ● ││ │╭╮│╰─●│●│╭╮╭╯ │ ╭●╭╮│╭╮●╭╯╭╮│╰╮ │╰╮│╭╯ ╭╮╭╮│╰╮╭╯
─● ╭─╮╰╮╰╮│●─╮ ╭──╯╭╯ ╭╯││╰──╮│ ●╰─╯ ╭─╯╰──╮ ●╯╰╮│││╰╮ ╰●─╯╰●╯ ╰╮│╭╯││●╯╭●╭╯●╰─╯ ╰╮╰╯│╭─╮ ╭╮│││╰╯ ╰╯╭
╮ ╭╯╭╯╭╯ │╰╮ ╰╮●╮●╮╰╮ │ ╰╯╭╮ ││●╰───╮╰╮●──╮╰╮╰──╯╰╯●╭●╭╮│╭─╮│╭╮╭─●╰╯ ╰╯ ╭╯╰● │╭──╮╭╮│ ╭●╯╭╯╭─╯│●╯╰╮ ●─╮╰
╯ │╭╯ ╰─╮│╭╯╭╮│╰╯╰╯╭╯ ●──╮││╭╯╰╯╭───╯╭╯╭╮ ╰─● ● ╭──╮│╭╯││╰╮╰╯│●│ │╭╮╭───╯ ╭╮│●─╮│●╯│ │╭─╯╭╯╭╮│ ●╮╰╮╰╮╰─
╭─╯│ ╭╮ │╰╯ ╰╯● ╭╮ │ ╭╮│●╰╯╭╮╭╯╭╮╭●╰─●╰─╮ ╰╮│╭╮│●│●╯│╭╯╭●╯ │╭╯╰╯│ ╭╮ ●╰╯╰─●╰─╮│╭╯╰─╮│ ││● ╭╯ │╭╯╭╮
╯╭─╯╭╯│●╰───●╭╯ ●╰─╯ ●╭╯╰╯ ╭╯││ ││╰╮╭●╯ ╰─╮╭─╯╰╯││╰╯ ●╯●╰╮╭─●│╭──╯ ╰╯╭╮●│╭╮╭╮╰╮╭╯│╰╮ ╭╯●╮││╭─╯╭╮││ ╰╯
─╯ │╭●╭╮ ╭●╮╰╮╭─╮ ●──╯╭──● ●╮│╰─╯●╭╯││╭╮●──╯│ ╭╮╰●╭───╮ ╭╯│╭─╯╰──╮● ╭╯│╭╯│╰╯╰─╯╰─●╭●╮│╭╮╰╯╰╯ ╭╯│╰╯╭╮
This package generates a collection of UTF characters with nodes and various lines. Use it to make cool patterns in your apps or terminals windows.
npm i utf-circuit-art
yarn add utf-circuit-art
const circuitArt = require("utf-circuit-art");
These are the defaults. You can pass in any modifications to these values when calling circuitArt.generate()
blank: { chance: 1 }, // options for space character ( )
columns: 30, // # of columns in output
downAndRight: { chance: 1 }, // options for downAndRight character (╰)
horizontal: { chance: 1 }, // options for horizontal line character (─)
node: { chance: 1 }, // options for node character (●)
rightAndDown: { chance: 1 }, // options for rightAndDown character (╮)
rightAndUp: { chance: 1 }, // options for rightAndUp character (╯)
rows: 5, // # of rows in output
upAndRight: { chance: 1 }, // options for upAndRight character (╭)
vertical: { chance: 1 }, // options for horizontal line character (│)
// Generates using default options (5 rows, 30 columns, every element is weighted equally)
╯╭●╮●╮╭● ●╰●╯│●╭●╯●─╮╰╮╭─╯╰╯╰╯
╭╯ ●╰●╯╰●╮ ╰─╯╭● ●╰●│●││╭╮
╰●─╮╭╮ ╭● ●╭╮│╭●╮╭╮│╰●╰╯●─╮╭╮
╭╮●╰╯●╮ ●╰╮╰●╰╯│ ││●│╭─╮╭╮╭●│╰
●│╰● │╰●─╮│ ╭● ●│││●╭●╯╰●╮│
Limited Nodes
node: { chance: 0.2 }
╮│ ╭─╮╰●─╯╭╮╰╯ │╰╮ │╭╮╭●────╯╰
●╯╭╯●╰╮ ╰╯╭──╯ │ ╰╯││╭╮╭╮╭──
╰─╯ │╭╯ ╭╮ ╰╮ ╭╯╭╮╭╯││╰╯│╰╮
╮╭─╮││╭╮╰╯ ╭╯╭╮│╭╯╰●╭╯│╭╮╰─╯
╯│ ╰╯╰╯│ ╭─╯ ││││ ╭─╯╭╯╰╯╭──╮
No Vertical Directions
downAndRight: { chance: 0 },
rightAndDown: { chance: 0 },
rightAndUp: { chance: 0 },
upAndRight: { chance: 0 },
vertical: { chance: 0 },
─● ● ●─●──● ●─●──●──●─●─● ● ●
●───●───●─●─●──● ●───● ● ● ●─●
───●───●─● ● ●───────●───
─● ● ● ● ● ●───● ●─● ●
No Horizontal Directions
downAndRight: { chance: 0 },
rightAndDown: { chance: 0 },
rightAndUp: { chance: 0 },
upAndRight: { chance: 0 },
horizontal: { chance: 0 },
●││ ● │● ● ││ ● ││ ● ●
●││● ●││ ●│●│ ● ││ ● ●│●
│●│ ● │││● │●│● │●││ │ │● ●
● │ │●││●│● ││●│ ●│●│●│● ●│
│●│ │ ●││││●││ │ ││││ ●│●││●
Developing / Contributing
Clone repo and install dependencies (yarn
or npm i
Running Dev Server
yarn run develop
starts a dev server at http://localhost:1234
Building Distribution Package
yarn run build
updates dist
with a new build
Sharing your Changes
Make a branch off develop
and always submit a PR to merge your feature or bugfix to develop branch.