Bunch of widely used functions in most common public projects
npm i -S util-func
How to use
var UTIL = require('util-func');
console.log(UTIL.getSlug('String 124 and & not symbol, bla bla'))
uniqueID: function( length ){
// returns unique_ID of length `n` passed as argument || default 38
getUnixTimeStamp: function(){
// returns UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
randomString128bit: function(){
// returns 128 bit string
randomString: function(Flag){
Returns random string of specified length
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SIGNATURE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INPUT: Optional
randomString({min:4, max:8}).length // Can pass object with min, max value
randomString(8).length // Can pass fixed lingth value as Number
randomString().length // default returns between 8 and 20
RETURNS: A random string of specified length
getSlug: function(str){
// Get string converted to slug
getDate: function(){
// Get current local date [ format: dd/mm/yyyy ]
getTime: function(){
// Get current local time [ format: hh:mm:ss ]
getDateTime: function(){
// Get current local date and time [ format: dd/mm/yyyy, hh:mm:ss ]
getYesterday: function(daysBack = 1, ofDay = new Date()){
This function is responsible for get "yesterday's" date dynamically if no parameters passed
"daysBack" is how many days back of "ofDay"
By default it gets date "1" day before "current date" i.e. today - will return yesterday
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SIGNATURE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INPUT = (optional) "daysBack" is how many days back of "ofDay"- format "yyyy-mm-dd"
RETURN = "date" format: "yyyy-mm-dd", based on input
datesBetween: function(from, to){
This function gives output as an ARRAY of all dates between two dates provided as input
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SIGNATURE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INPUT = "from", "to" in format 'mm/dd/yyyy'
RETURN = ARRAY of dates
paginationOffset: function(pageNumber, size = 10){
Useful for pagination
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SIGNATURE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INPUT: current page number
"from": Number, // Where to start from
"to": Number, // Where to stop
"size": pageSize // Number of records
strip_tags : function(string, allowed){
This function strips all the tags from the "string" (param 1) expect the ones mentioned in "allowed" (param 2).
Will also remove <!-- comment and <?php tags
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SIGNATURE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
INPUT: "HTML-String"(String) , "<allowed><tags>" (String)
RETURN: "Filtered String" (String)
----------------- Example ----------------
var text = '<p>There <i style="">is</i> some <u>text</u> here</p>';
var allowed = '<i><p>'; // Allowed tags
var filteredText = strip_tags( text, allowed); // will strip all the tags from "text" except <i> and <p>
console.log(filteredText) // Result: <p>There <i style="">is</i> some text here</p>