
Simple debugging and logging tool.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import utilTool from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/util-tool';



Utility Tool in order to debug code. Runs console logs, checks objects in order to see if they are empty or undefined, and provides feedback through terminal. Also uses Mocha & Chai to run tests on itself verifying that it functions properly.

How to setup

In order to setup the Util tool simply follow these steps:

  1. Install the module into your project using npm install util-tool

  2. Now that you have the module installed simply require it in your project files by using var util = require('util-tool')

  3. In order to use the debugging functionality of the tool you have to run your project in DEBUG mode. Simply turn DEBUG mode on by running DEBUG=true whenever you start the server.

  4. Enjoy the utility tool ( ^-^)

The util-tool was tested using Mocha and Chai for the unit testing. But the unit testing is not included in the npm install.

For information on the unit testing check out the files on GitHub.

Util Tool Methods


In order to log using the util tool simply remember this format util.writer(title, data, status, consoleMethod).

  • Title: is the header of the log.
  • Data: is any type of data that you pass in. For logging purposes data is simply a placeholder.
  • Status: is meant to be any piece of information that would benefit the developer. Ex: Test #3: Successful function
  • consoleMethod: takes one of the strings in the array based on what kind of console you want ['log', 'warn', 'error']. They will console in different colors.

Example Output:

util.writer('Testing Log', '', 'Test successful', 'log')
//Data was passed in as an empty string in order to leave whitespace.

[2016-06-23T14:48:26-04:00]: Testing Log
 "" Test successful


The debugging portion of the tool is meant to discern whether or not data is empty or undefined. Simply write it in this format util.debug(data)

  • Data: is any type of data that you pass in. The util tool was tested with objects, arrays, and strings. When debugging it will check to see if the data was either empty or undefined and log a response accordingly. If the data is correct then it will log successful.

Example Output:

// Undefined Test

[2016-06-21T14:29:47-04:00]: Data Check ?
Data was undefined.


// Empty Test

[2016-06-21T14:30:41-04:00]: Data Check -
Data was empty.


// Successful Test

[2016-06-21T14:30:41-04:00]: Data Check +
Data was passed correctly.

Version Bump

This module is good to use with gulp.

Call this module to increment the version number.


const util = require('util-tool');

// takes the current version -> (string)  & tag -> (string) ['major', 'minor', 'patch']
util.versionbump('1.0.0', 'major');

Returns (string)
