
micro library with various utility functions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import uutil from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/uutil';


µutil 0.0.12

micro library with various utility functions ci


if typeof isNodeJs == "undefined" or typeof runTest == "undefined" then do ->
  root = if typeof window == "undefined" then global else window
  root.isNodeJs = (typeof process != "undefined") if typeof isNodeJs == "undefined"
  root.isWindow = (typeof window != "undefined") if typeof isWindow == "undefined"
  root.isPhoneGap = typeof document?.ondeviceready != "undefined" if typeof isPhoneGap == "undefined"
  root.runTest = (if isNodeJs then process.argv[2] == "test" else location.hash.slice(1) == "test") if typeof runTest == "undefined"

use - require/window.global with non-require name to avoid being processed in firefox plugins

use = if isNodeJs then ((module) -> require module) else ((module) -> window[module])

define module

uu = if isNodeJs then exports else {}
window.uutil = window.uu = uu if isWindow


Object.keys ?= (obj) -> (key for key, _ of obj)


uu.domListen = (elem, events, fn) -> #{{{3
  return if !elem
  for event in events.split " "
    if elem.addEventListener
      elem.addEventListener event, fn, false
      elem.attachEvent "on#{event}", fn
uu.onComplete = (fn) -> #{{{2
  if isWindow
    if document.readyState == "complete"
      setTimeout (-> uu.onComplete fn), 17


uu.extend = (target, sources...) -> #{{{2
  for source in sources
    for key, val of source
      target[key] = val
uu.deepCopy = (obj) -> #{{{2
    if typeof obj == "object"
      if obj.constructor == Array
        result = []
        result.push uu.deepCopy(e) for e in obj
        result = {}
        result[key] = uu.deepCopy(val) for key, val of obj
      return result
      return obj


uu.pick = (arr) -> arr[Math.random() * arr.length | 0]


uu.prng = (n) -> (1664525 * n + 1013904223) |0 #{{{2


uu.urlString = (str) -> #{{{2
  mapping =
    "å": "aa"
    "Å": "Aa"
    "ø": "o"
    "Ø": "O"
    "æ": "ae"
    "Æ": "AE"
    ",": " "
    ".": " "

    .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, (c) -> mapping[c] || " ")
    .replace(/\ +/g, "-")
uu.strHash = (s) -> #{{{2 hashing based on djb
  hash = 5381
  i = s.length
  while i
    hash = (hash*31 + s.charCodeAt(--i)) | 0


uu.xmlEscape = (str) -> String(str).replace RegExp("[\x00-\x1f\x80-\uffff&<>\"']", "g"), (c) -> "&##{c.charCodeAt 0};" #{{{2
uu.obj2style = (obj) -> #{{{2
  (for key, val of obj
    csskey = key.replace /[A-Z]/g, (c) -> "-" + c.toLowerCase()
    val = "#{val}px" if typeof val == "number"
    if val && typeof val == "object" && val.constructor == Object
      "#{key}{#{uu.obj2style val}}"
  ).join ""

uu.jsonml2html = (arr) -> #{{{2
  return "#{uu.xmlEscape arr}" if !Array.isArray(arr)

raw html, useful for stuff which shouldn't be xmlescaped etc.

  return arr[1] if arr[0] == "rawhtml"

normalise jsonml, make sure it contains attributes

  arr = [arr[0], {}].concat arr.slice(1) if arr[1]?.constructor != Object
  attr = {}
  attr[key] = val for key, val of arr[1]

convert style objects to strings

  attr.style = uu.obj2style attr.style if attr.style?.constructor == Object

shorthand for classes and ids

  tag = arr[0].replace /#([^.#]*)/, ((_, id) -> attr.id = id; "")
  tag = tag.replace /\.([^.#]*)/g, (_, cls) ->
    attr["class"] = if attr["class"] == undefined then cls else "#{attr["class"]} #{cls}"

create actual tag string

  result = "<#{tag}#{(" #{key}=\"#{uu.xmlEscape val}\"" for key, val of attr).join ""}>"

add children and endtag, if there are children. <foo></foo> is done with ["foo", ""]

  result += "#{arr.slice(2).map(uu.jsonml2html).join ""}</#{tag}>" if arr.length > 2
  return result

Test / examples

if false and runTest then process.nextTick ->
  assert = require "assert"
  jsonml = ["div.main",
        background: "red"
        textSize: 12
    ["h1#theHead.foo.bar", "Blåbærgrød"],
      src: "foo"
      alt: 'the "quoted"'],
    ["script", ["rawhtml", "console.log(foo<bar)"]]]

  assert.equal jsonml2html.toString(jsonml),
    """<div style="background:red;text-size:12px" class="main"><h1 id="theHead" class="foo bar">Bl&#229;b&#230;rgr&#248;d</h1><img src="foo" alt="the &#34;quoted&#34;"><script>console.log(foo<bar)</script></div>"""


uu.intToColor = (i) -> "#" + ((i & 0xffffff) + 0x1000000).toString(16).slice(1)
uu.hashColor = (str) ->  -> uu.intToColor uu.prng uu.strHash str
uu.hashColorLight = (str) -> uu.intToColor 0xe0e0e0 | ((uu.prng uu.strHash str) >> 3)
uu.hashColorDark = (str) -> uu.intToColor ((uu.prng uu.strHash str) >> 1) & 0x7f7f7f

Invoke fn

uu.whenDone = (done) -> #{{{2

Utility function for combining several callbacks into a single one. fn = uu.whenDone(done) returns a function fn where each call done1 = fn(); done2 = fn(); ... returns new callback functions, such that when all of done1 done2 ... has been called once, then done will be called.

  count = 0
  results = []
    idx = count
    (args...) ->
      args.push idx
      results.push args
      done? results if results.length == count
uu.throttleAsyncFn = (fn, delay) -> #{{{2
  delay ||= 1000
  running = []
  rerun = []
  scheduled = false
  lastTime = 0
  run = ->
    scheduled = false
    t = running; running = rerun; rerun = running
    lastTime = Date.now()
    fn (args...) ->
      for cb in running
        cb args...
  schedule = ->
    if rerun.length > 0 && running.length == 0 && !scheduled
      scheduled = true
      setTimeout run, Math.max(0, lastTime - Date.now() - delay)
  (cb) ->
    rerun.push cb
uu.nextTick = if isNodeJs then process.nextTick else (fn) -> setTimeout fn, 0 #{{{2
uu.sleep = (t,f) -> setTimeout f, t*1000 #{{{2

Reversing order of arguments an settin tim e in seconds, makes it both easier to write and read, ie. uu.sleep 1, -> ...


ajaxLegacy = false
uu.ajax = undefined #{{{2
if isWindow then do ->
  XHR = XMLHttpRequest
  if typeof (new XHR).withCredentials != "boolean"
    ajaxLegacy = true
    XHR = XDomainRequest

  uu.ajax = (url, data, cb) ->
    xhr = new XHR()
    xhr.onerror = (err) -> cb? err || true
    xhr.onload = -> cb? null, xhr.responseText
    xhr.open (if data then "POST" else "GET"), url, !!cb
    xhr.send data
    return xhr.responseText if !cb

  if runTest then uu.nextTick ->
    uu.ajax "//cors-test.appspot.com/test", undefined, (err, result) -> expect result, '{"status":"ok"}', "async ajax"
    uu.ajax "//cors-test.appspot.com/test", "foo", (err, result) -> expect result, '{"status":"ok"}', "async ajax post"



We want to send logging and statistics to server, but not drain battery nor exhaust the network, so the log is saved to memory, and then only send across the network when more than logBeforeSync entries has been collected, or the user leaves the page. It is also throttled, so logging data are sent no more than once every syncDelay milliseconds.

On legacy browsers we cannot send the log when the user leave the page, so there we just send update every syncDelay milliseconds.

do ->
  logData = []
  logId = Math.random()
  if isWindow && window.location?.protocol == "http:"
    logUrl = "http://ssl.solsort.com/api/log"
    logUrl = "https://ssl.solsort.com/api/log"
  logSyncing = false
  logsBeforeSync = 200
  syncDelay = 400
  uu.syncLog = -> #{{{2
    if !logSyncing
        logContent = JSON.stringify logData
      catch e
        logContent = "Error stringifying log"
      logSyncing = logData
      logData = []
      uu.ajax logUrl, logContent, (err, result) ->
        setTimeout (-> logSyncing = false), syncDelay
        if err
          log "logsync error", err
          logData = logSyncing.concat(logData)
          logData.push [+(new Date()), "log sync'ed", logId, logData.length]
          uu.syncLog() if (ajaxLegacy || runTest) && logData.length > 1

  uu.log = (args...) -> #{{{2
    logData.push [+(new Date()), args...]
    uu.nextTick uu.syncLog if logData.length > logsBeforeSync || ajaxLegacy || runTest
    return args

  uu.onComplete -> #{{{2
    uu.domListen window, "error", (err) ->
      uu.log "window.onerror ", String(err)
    uu.domListen window, "beforeunload", ->
      uu.log "window.beforeunload"
        uu.ajax logUrl, JSON.stringify logData # blocking POST request
      catch e
    uu.log "starting", logId, window.performance
    uu.log "userAgent", navigator.userAgent

README.md autogenerated from uutil.coffee solsort