
Simple wrapper to upload files using cloudinary api ## Usage ### Locally ```js import VCloudinaryUpload from 'v-cloudinary-upload'

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vCloudinaryUpload from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/v-cloudinary-upload';


Vue Cloudinary Upload

Simple wrapper to upload files using cloudinary api



import VCloudinaryUpload from 'v-cloudinary-upload'

export default {
  components: { VCloudinaryUpload }


import Vue from 'vue'
import * as VCloudinaryUpload from 'v-cloudinary-upload'



Unsigned upload

<v-cloudinary-upload autoUpload accountName="skyatura" preset="foo">
    <button>Click here to select a file</button>

Unsigned upload with preview

<v-cloudinary-upload autoUpload accountName="skyatura" preset="foo">
    <template slot-scope="props">
        <img :src="props.url" v-if="props.url">
        <button v-else>Click here to select a file</button>

Signed upload

    <v-cloudinary-upload ref="img" accountName="skyatura" @picked="onPickFile">
        <button>Click here to select a file</button>

export default {
    methods: {
        async onPickFile() {
            const params = await this.$axios.$get('/upload/userPicture')


| Property | Required | Type | Description | |--|--|--|--| | accountName | true | String | Your Cloudinary's account name | autoUpload | false | Boolean | If the component should automatically perform an upload after selecting a file | capture | false | Boolean, String | Passed to the input element. Check this documentation for more details | disabled | false | Boolean | If true, the file picker won't be triggered | fileTypes | false | Array, String | A list of allowed image types. It can be either an array or comma separated. Default: * | preset | false | String | Used when uploading unsigned pictures. It will be automatically appended to the upload request | tag | false | String | Defines the component wrapper tag. Default: div | uploadParams | false | Object | Append extra parameters to the upload request | @picked | -- | Event | Fired when user chooses a file. It contains: file, name and url (Seeabove for more information) | @uploaded | -- | Event | Fired after a successful. It contains the response from Cloudinary

Slot scope

| Property | Type | Description | | -- | -- | -- | | file | Object | Contains the file that will be uploaded | fileReader | Object | Contains the result from the file reader | name | String | The name of the file selected, if available | url | String | The file encoded in base64 for using in previews | loading | Boolean | True if the component is currently uploading an image | uploaded | Object | The response from Cloudinary, if available. (Same as the passed to the uploaded event)