
Allows to load, edit, extend, convert and export yaml and json files in the browser.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vYamlJsonEditor from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/v-yaml-json-editor';



Allows to load, edit, extend, convert and export yaml and json files in the browser.



  1. Testing 1.1.0 changes


  1. fix: local key rules for type checking not recognizing the correct type of a sub-object.
  2. fix: selection templates were defaulted to yaml and crashed when loading a json.
  3. fix: when a selection changed it didn't update the wrap variabvle correctly.
  4. preparation for version 1.1.0: configurtaion for custom input components (vuetify and user created).


  1. fix: prop key/text-rules not being respected


npm i v-yaml-json-editor

As a plugin (component is available to all other components with no further imports):

import Vue from "vue"
import {VYamlJsonEditor} from "v-yaml-json-editor"

Vue.component("v-yaml-json-editor", VYamlJsonEditor)

or directly in a component file:

import {VYamlJsonEditor} from "v-yaml-json-editor"
export default {
  components: {
    "v-yaml-json-editor": VYamlJsonEditor


  1. Object representation - An object is represented as a string where each key-level is separated by the separator prop.


    a: {
      b: {
        c: {

    Will be represented by: a.b.c

  2. Array representation - An array is represented as a string where each key-level is separated by the separator prop and the last character must be a number representing the index to be added (Remark: indices must be entered in order, otherwise the new key will not be added).


    a: {
      b: {
        c: [

    Will be represeneted by: a.b.c.0

  3. String representation: A string is represented by a string with no separator.


When extending an object or array which already existed in the template (file the was loaded by the user) the following will occur:

  1. Extending an array of strings: A new index is added to the array.

  2. Extending an array of objects: A new index with a template of the object will be added to the array.


    Array before extension

    a: [
        x: "1",
        y: "1"

    Array after extension

    a: [
        x: "1",
        y: "1"
        x: "",
        y: ""

    **In case that the original array has a structure where the objects doesn't have the same structure a pop-up for adding a new key to any of the sub-keys in the array-objects will appear.

  3. Extending an object: a pop-up for adding a new key to any of the sub-keys in the array-objects will appear.


VYamlJsonEditor: The editor itself and probably the only component from the libaray that is going to be imported.

  • Props:

    props: {
      dataObj: {
        type: Object,
        default: null
      baseURL: {
        type: String,
        default: ''
      templateTypes: {
        type: Array as PropType<Array<TemplateTypes>>,
        default: () => ([])
      keyRules: {
        type: Array as PropType<Array<KeyRules>>,
        default: null
      textRules: {
        type: Array as PropType<Array<KeyRules>>,
        default: null
      overwriteRules: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: false
      separator: {
        type: String,
        default: '.'
      downScrollPos: {
        type: Number,
        default: 50
      actionsButtons: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: true
      goToButtons: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: true
    1. dataObj: A JS-Object to be loaded instead of uploading a file / selecting a template (takes priority when enabled).

    2. baseURL: A string representing the location of the templates in the static folder.

    3. templateTypes:

            value: string,
            text: string

      An array of template file names (including their extension) and representing text.

    4. keyRules:

        [key: string]: (value: string) => string|boolean,

      An object of functions that get a string value from a text-field and returns an error string or a boolean. The object that will be passed is can be either joined together with current rules or overwrite them.

      Current rules:

      • required - key can't be an empty string
      • characters - no special characters apart for separator (prop) and _
      • separatorStart - no separator at the first position
      • numberStart - no numbers at the first position
      • separatorEnd - no separator at the last position
      • consecutiveSeparators - no cosecutive separators
      • keyExist - can't create an already existing key
      • noOverwritingOfKV - new key can't overwrite an existing key. Example:
        a.b.c = '1'
        legal: a.b.d = '2' 
        ileagal: a.b.c.d = '1' 
        c is already a string and can't be casted to an object
      • noOverwritingOfType - new key can't overwrite the type of it's parent. Example:
        a.0 => a is Array
        legal: a.1
        illegal: a.b
    5. textRules:

        [key: string]: (value: string) => string|boolean,

      An object of functions that get a string value from a text-field and returns an error string or a boolean. The object that will be passed is can be either joined together with current rules or overwrite them.

      Current rules:

      • required - key can't be an empty string
      • count - key must be at least 1 character in length

    6. overwriteRules: When set to true all the pre-existing rules will be overwritten by the rules passed as props.

    7. separator: A string represeting the separation of object-keys. (set to . by default)

    8. downScrollPos: A nubmer represeting how many pixels from the bottom of the page will activate the navigation to bottom button. (set to 50px by default)

    9. actionsButtons: Enable/disable default editor action buttons.

    10. goToButtons: Enable/disable goTo (fab) buttons.

  • Slots:

    1. before-text - slot before the v-card-text section of the editor
    2. before-key-field - slot before the new key-field section of the editor.
    3. after-key-field - slot after the new key-field (and before the expansion panels) section of the editor.
    4. actions - slot inside the v-card-actions section of the editor.