
Lets create a table Angular HTML

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import valcomNgxBsTable from '';



Public API

Lets create a table Angular HTML

  <app-valcom-table-module [tableHeaders]="tableView" tableClasses="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">
    <tr *ngFor="let content of contents">
      <td><app-valcom-table-actions [content]="content" (editEvent)="editEvent($event)" (deleteEvent)="deleteEvent($event)"></app-valcom-table-actions></td>

Data Pass Back

  Main Table Component

  tableHeaders: Array;
  contents: Array;
  tableClasses: String; = Defaults: "table table-striped table-bordered";
  Actions Component

  default: Boolean; Defaults to true, if set to false, has to pass back custom action handlers
  content: Object;
  editIcon: String; Defaults: "pencil";
  deleteIcon: String; Defaults: "trash";
  editEvent: Function();
  deleteEvent: Function();