
Essa biblioteca tem como função validar as principais bandeiras de cartões de créditos usados no brasil

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import validateFlag from '';



NPM Package to validate Brazilian credit card flags

<< View Doc >>


NPM package to validate Brazilian credit card flags, still under development. Any suggestion or improvement can contact me!


  1. Install the package
    npm install --save validate-flag || yarn add validate-flag


  1. Import the package
    import Validate from 'validate-flag';

Example functions

import Validate from 'validate-flag';

function usingAllFunctions(){

    const generateCardNumber = Validate.generateCardNumber('Elo');
    const flagType = Validate.checkOnlyTheFlag(generateCardNumber.value, /* true */);
    const flagTypeWithImage = Validate.checkTheFlagAndImage(generateCardNumber.value, /* true */);


function checkOnlyTheFlag(numbers, useStandardNumbers=false){
     * @params
     * @numbers it can be just a string with the card number or an array with several numbers
     * The number of the card passed can be passed with or without a mask

    const testNumbers = [
        "4576647846678213", //Elo 
        "5522209042604038", //MasterCard
        "4929054385222820" //Visa

    return Validate.checkBandeira(!useStandardNumbers ? numbers : testNumbers);

function checkTheFlagAndImage(numbers, useStandardNumbers=false){
     * @params
     * @numeros it can be just a string with the card number or an array with several numbers
     * The number of the card passed can be passed with or without a mask

    const testNumbers = [
        "4576647846678213", //Elo 
        "5522209042604038", //MasterCard
        "4929054385222820" //Visa

    return Validate.checkBandeiraToImage(!useStandardNumbers ? numbers : testNumbers);

function generateCard(type){

     * @params 
     * @type String 
     * @options Object
     * Param type is the type of the card, with Elo || Master || Visa

    const options = {
        image: true,
        mask: true,
        fullData: true,
        singleNumber: false,

        * options are passed through an object
        * image == true ? Returns a url corresponding to the generated card's flag
        * mask == true ? Returns the card number with mask
        * fullData == true ? Returns all data
        * singleNumber == true ? Returns only the card number

    return Validate.gerarCartao(type, options);

function checkFlagUsingRegex(number, type) {

        * If you only want the flag to be validated, you can use this function,
        * it will return true || false together with the flag.
        * Return example:
        * ------------------ ERRORS ------------------
        * if the value passed does not match any regex it returns {
        *  error: true,
        *  message: "Flag not found"
        * },
        * if the value of the number passed is not a String {
        *  error: true,
        *  message: "Value passed incorrectly, try to pass a value of type String."
        * }
        * ------------------ EXPECTED RETURN ------------------
        * {
        *  value: (number passed as a function parameter),
        *  mask: (number with mask),
        *  flag: (example flag: Elo || MasterCard || Visa),
        * }

         * @params
         * @number String
         * @type String Ex: br // others
         * Direct between @type == br && @type == others
         * @type == br the credit card number will only pass through the regex of the most used flags in Brazil like Visa | Link | MasterCard
         * @type == others the card number will have passed through other flags such as Amex
         * @type defaut value en

    return Validate.checkBandeiraToRegex(number, type);


Got an error?

Get in touch with me telling me about the error, which I will resolve as soon as possible.

How can you help me?

Do you have the most updated regex ?? Send me or make a pull request!
