
Promised based validation library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import validatePromise from '';



Promised based validation library


npm install validate-promise


Validates an object against a specified validation contract

import validate, {int} from 'validate-promise';

var contract = [
    key: 'age', // index to validate in data
    promises: [{
      rule: int,
      arg: (value: any, row: Object) => 5,
      condition: (value: any: row: Object) => true,
    }], // array of validations
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => value + ' not an int',

var data = {
  age: '11'

validate(contract, data)
  .then(() => {
    // The validations have passed...
  .catch((error: Record<string, string[]>) => {
    // Validations failed - error is an object keyed on data keys, and containing an array of error messages.

  try {
    validate(contract, data);
  } catch (error: Record<string, string[]>) {
    // Validation failed
  • condition an optional function which applies its associated validation rule when it returns true.
  • arg an optional function which can be used to supply form data values to the associated validation rule.

Custom error messages per validation

Each validation promise object can have a custom msg function. If supplied this is used in preference to the default msg() function

import validate, {int} from 'validation-promise';

var contract = [
    key: 'age', // index to validate in data
    promises: [{
      rule: int,
      arg: (value: any, row: Object) => 5,
      msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => value + ' IS REALLY NOT AN INT'
    }], // array of validations
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => value + ' not an int',


var data = {
  age: 'CHICKEN'

validate(contract, data)
  .then(() => {
    // The validations have passed...
  .catch((error: string[]) => {
    // Will be :
    // Validations failed - error is an object keyed on data keys, and containing an array of error messages.



contract = [
    key: 'age',
    promises: [
        rule: after,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => '3 Jan 2016'
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => value + ' not after 3 Jan 2016'

Determines if a date value is earlier than the supplied argument. The rule's arg should return a string compatible with Date.parse()


contract = [
    key: 'age',
    promises: [{
      rule: before,
      arg: (value: any, row: Object) => '3 Jan 2016'
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => value + ' not before 3 Jan 2016'

Determines if a date value is later than the supplied argument. The rule's arg should return a string compatible with Date.parse()


contract = [
    key: 'age',
    promises: [
        rule: blacklist,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => ['17', 'abc', 'foo']
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => value + ' not allowed'


const domains = [''];
contract = [
    key: 'domains',
    promises: [
        rule: domain(domains),
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => arg.type === 'INCORRECT' ? 'Invalid format' : 'Domain already exists',


contract = [
    key: 'age',
    promises: [
        rule: equals,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => '17'
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => value + ' is not 17'

Validate that the supplied value is is loosely equal to the argument.

Equal to

contract = [
    key: 'age',
    promises: [
        rule: equalto,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => 'other_age'
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => value + ' is not the same as other_age'

Validate that the supplied value matches the data's key value (supplied by the arg function)


contract = [
    key: 'name',
    promises: [
        rule: excludes,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => [';']
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => value + ' is not the same as other_age'

Validate that the supplied value does not contain any of the supplied arguments.

Failed validation

await validate(contract, {name: ' test ; '});

Not Equals

contract = [
    key: 'age',
    promises: [
        rule: notEquals,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => '17'
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => value + ' is 17'

Validate that the supplied value is is loosely not equal to the argument.


import {float} from 'validate-promise';

contract = [
    key: 'age',
    promises: [
        rule: float,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => ({min: 18, max: 55})
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => value + ' not a float'

Tests if value can be coerced to a float. Optionally you can supply a min/max object from the arg function. If supplied the float must fall within this range to be valid.


contract = [
    key: 'sales',
    promises: [
        rule: greaterthan,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => 0
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => 'Sales must be greater than 0'

Tests a value is greater than the supplied argument. Alternatively you can compare two arbitrary values with the following contract:

contract = [
    key: 'sales',
    promises: [
        rule: greaterthan,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => ({compare: 0, value: 10})
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => 'Sales must be greater than 0'

This tests if value (10) is greater than the compare (0) value.


contract2 = [
    key: 'age',
    promises: [
        rule: int,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => ({min: 18, max: 55})
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => value + ' not an int'

Tests if value can be coerced to an integer. Optionally you can supply a min/max object from the arg function. If supplied the integer must fall within this range to be valid.


contract = [
    key: 'age',
    promises: [
        rule: lessthan,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => 18
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => 'age less than 18'

Test a value is less than the supplied argument. Alternatively you can compare two arbitrary values with the following contract:

contract = [
    key: 'age',
    promises: [
        rule: lessthan,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => ({compare: 0, value: 10})
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => 'Age must be greater than 0'

This tests if value (10) is less than than the compare (0) value.

Longer Than

import { longerThan } from 'validate-promise';

contract = [
    key: 'name',
    promises: [
        rule: longerThan,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => ({min: 18, max: 55})
    msg: (value, row, arg) => value + ' has fewer than 10 characters'

Tests to ensure the length of the string you are validating is longer than the value supplied in the contract's arg.


contract = [
    key: 'name',
    promises: [
        rule: required,
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => 'Name is required'

Shorter Than

import {shorterThan} from 'validate-promise';

contract = [
    key: 'name',
    promises: [
        rule: shorterThan,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => ({min: 18, max: 55})
    msg: (value, row, arg) => value + ' has more than 10 characters'

Tests to ensure the length of the string you are validating is less than the value supplied in the contract's arg.


contract = [
    key: 'url',
    promises: [
        rule: url,
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => value + ' is not a valid url'


contract = [
    key: 'age',
    promises: [
        rule: whitelist,
        arg: (value: any, row: Object) => ['17', 'abc', 'foo']
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => value + ' not allowed'

Validate that the supplied value is contained within the argument whitelist.

At least one required

contract = [
    key: 'age', // ingored in this case
    keys: ['age', 'name']
    promises: [
        rule: atleastOneRequired,
    msg: (value: any, row: Object, arg) => 'Age or name is required'

Validates that all the supplied keys have data.


 const contract = [
      key: 'upload',
      promises: [{
        rule: isUploaded
      msg: () => 'File not uploaded'

Expects the form's upload property to be a Record<string, number> type. Successfully validates if all of its values are 100.