Validity style validator to ensure that required image contexts are selected with an image widget array. This validator works with cf image widget areas.
npm install validity-cf-image-context-selection
Below is a simple example for usage with schemata and save:
var validity = require('validity')
, schemata = require('schemata')
, createContextValidator = require('validity-cf-image-context-selection')
, requiredContexts = [ 'main', 'thumbnail' ]
var schema = schemata(
{ images:
{ type: String
, validators: { all: [ createContextValidator(requiredContexts) ] }
var validate = createUniqueValidator(Array: requiredContexts)
Create a validate function. requiredContexts
should be an array of image contexts
that require selection.
validate(String:key, String:keyDisplayName, Object:object, Function:cb)
This is a validity compatible function, which in turn is used by schemata for schema validation.
The callback signature cb(err, errorMessage).
err is an Error object if something bad happened and null otherwise. errorMessage is a String if a validation error happened and undefined otherwise.
Licensed under the New BSD License