
a javascript validator inspired by laravel validator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import validozer from '';



a javascript validation inspired by laravel validator.

Basic Usage

import Validozer from "mytabworks-utils";

const result = Validozer.validate("sample_sadas@", "required|email|min:10|max:20", "E--mail")

/*{ isInvalid: true, message: "The E--mail must be a valid email"}*/

Note! rules must be tight on each other without spaces.

Extend Rule Usage

Validozer rules is extensible which is custom rules are applicable.

Note! validation rules are reusable, when rules are extended, it only need to be extended once or else it will be overidden.

Note! the rules example below are already part of the Validozers validation it is only an insight on how to make your own rules

Note! on exe returning true means it is invalid

import Validozer from "mytabworks-utils";

const required = {
    exe({received}) {
        return !received.length;
    required: 'The :attribute field is required.',

const url = {
    exe({received}) {
        const expression = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?([a-z]{3}\.)?([a-z]{3,20}\.)?[\w]{3,20}\.[a-z]{2,3}(?:\/.*)?$/
        return received.length && !expression.test(received);
    message: "The :attribute must be a valid url"

const required_if = {
    exe({received, parameter, parameter_value, data}) {
        const other_value = data[parameter]
        if(Array.isArray(other_value)) {
            return !received.length && other_value.some(
                (val) => new RegExp(`^${parameter_value.trim()}

	npm:validozer | Skypack
        return (
            !received.length && new RegExp(`^${parameter_value.trim()}

	npm:validozer | Skypack
    required_if: 'The :attribute field is required when :required_if is :value.',

const same = {
    exe({received, parameter, data}) { 
        return received.length && data[parameter] !== received;
    same: 'The :attribute and :same must match.',

Validozer.rulesExtend({ required, url, required_if, same })

Collection Field Usage

it can validate collections of form fields.

const data = {
    first_name: "john",
    last_name: "doe",
    password: "bwadpit",
    confirm_passowrd: "bwadpit",
    email: "johndoe@gmail",
    web: "",

const rules = {
    first_name: { 
        label: "First Name", 
        rules: "required|alpha" 
    last_name: { 
        label: "Last Name", 
        rules: "required|alpha|min:3" 
    password: { 
        label: "Password", 
        rules: "required|min:8" 
    confirm_password: { 
        label: "Confirm Password", 
        rules: "required|same:password" 
    email: { 
        label: "E-mail", 
        rules: "required|email"
    web: { 
        label: "Website", 
        rules: "url"

const validator = Validozer.make(data, rules)

if(validator.fails()) {

    const error_messages = validator.errors()

Note! validator.errors() will return new Map()


The main validation rules which is commonly use. |NAME |HOW TO USE |DESCRIPTION| MESSAGE | |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|-------------| | required | required | it will require the form field to be filled| The :attribute field is required | | email | email | it will validate if the field contain a valid e-mail| The :attribute field must be valid email| | min | min: | it will validate the minumum character, number, checkbox is checked, select(multiple) is selected, file(multiple) is selected. e.g. min:10 | The :attribute field must be atleast :min (character, items, files) | | max | max: | it will validate the maximum character, number, checkbox is checked, select(multiple) is selected, file(multiple) is selected. e.g. max:20 | The :attribute field may not be greater than :max (character, items, files) | | mimes | mimes:<mime_types> | it will validate the specific mimes of the files which are allowed. e.g. mimes:jpg,pdf,rar| The :attribute only allows :mimes| | alpha | alpha | it will validate if the field value is only contain letter | The :attribute may only contain letters| | alpha_space | alpha_space | it will validate if the field only contain letters with spaces | The :attribute must contain alphabet with spaces | | alpha_num | alpha_num | it will validate if the field contain letters with numbers| The :attribute may only contain letters and numbers.| | alpha_dash | alpha_dash | it will validate if the field contain letters with numbers and dashes | The :attribute may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.| | url | url | it will validate if the field contain valid url | The :attribute must be a valid url. | | max_size | max_size: | it will validate if the field contain a maximum file size and the size must calculate in kilobytes. e.g. max_size:5000| The :attribute may not be greater :max_size kilobytes.| | min_size | min_size: | it will validate if the field contain a minimum file size and the size must calculate in kilobytes. e.g. min_size:1000| The :attribute must be atleast :min_size kilobytes.| | required_if | required_if:<target_field_name>=<target_expected_value> | it will require the field, if the target field matches the expected value. you can use exact value or regular expression like required_if:bio=.+. .+ means has any value. e.g. required_if:country=AU since most of the time field names are not the same as the labels and same with the values label. that is why you can use Aliasing(@) e.g. required_if:country@Country=AU@Australia | The :attribute field is required when :required_if is :third_party. | | same | same:<target_field_name> | it will validate the field until the target field contain the same value. e.g. same:pass since most of the time field names are not the same as the labels you can use Aliasing(@) e.g. same:pass@Password | The :attribute and :same must match. |


MIT Licensed. Copyright (c) fernandto tabamo jr (Mytabworks) 2021.