
Client for Kyma application connectivity

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import varkesAppConnectorClient from '';


App Connector Client

npm version

App Connector Client provides an interface to pair your application with Kyma and register it's APIs.

After startup, you have access to:

  • UI - http://localhost:10000
  • rest API - http://localhost:10000/metadata
  • console - http://localhost:10000/console

Starting the application

Run local

To run it local, specify a config file (as located in the /test folder) like that:

npm install
node server/server <varkes_config.js>

Run local using docker

To run it using docker, call:

docker run -p 10000:10000

Run in Kyma

To run the mock using Kyma as runtime envrironment, run the following kubectl command to set up a namespace:

kubectl create namespace mocks
kubectl label namespace mocks env=true

and to deploy the mock

kubectl apply -n mocks -f


  • navigate to this folder.
  • npm install
  • npm start
  • After first start, this repo will generate a private key for you and save it in keys folder. Don't change the location of the keys folder.
  • Visit localhost:10000 to open the UI and enter your TokenURL to the input field.
  • Once you give your tokenURL, the system won't ask you again for your TokenURL. If you want to start the whole process again, delete the keys folder and run npm start again.

Command line

Use node cli.js to run command line utility.

  • To see help -> node cli.js -h
  • A test command looks something like this: node cli.js --input test/integration/basic-service-metadata.json --token https://connector-service.<CLUSTER_NAME>


You can access OpenAPI doc of this project either from localhost:10000/metadata or from swagger.yaml file.


  • To run tests on a Kyma, you need to give token url as environment variable. Set TOKENURL to kyma token.
  • Once you set the token, run npm test to test the project.


  • Server logs will be in the file server.log
  • Test logs will be in the file test.log