
Generate configuration object from HashiCorp Vault by automatic authenticating with local token or kubernetes service account in pod environment.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vaultSync from '';



Generate configuration object synchronously from HashiCorp Vault by automatic authenticating with locally cached token or kubernetes service account in pod environment.

coverage-lines coverage-statements coverage-functions coverage-branches NPM version


  • This module is built to pursue identical configuration way between local development and remote deployment in kubernetes.
  • This module exports a single function to create an JavaScript Object (or any type).
  • The function works in synchronous way by mimicking RPC call for asynchronous HTTP requests. It is a bad practice, but this is for the synchronous configuration loading at bootstrap.
  • How it works:
    • At first, It will try to use locally cached token (~/.vault-token).
    • If there is no cached token, it will try to auth to vault with kubernetes service account token (/var/run/secrets/
    • If there is no kubernetes service account token, it will throw an error.
    • If got error while reading secrets it will throw the original error.
  • Requirements:
    • vault server with kubernetes auth method enabled.


1. Install


$ npm i --save vault-sync

2. Examples


import vault from "vault-sync";

module.exports = vault(async (get, list, { dbType }) => {
    return {
        app: (await get("secret/data/test")).data.hello,
        keys: (await list("secret/metadata")).keys,
        foo: {
            db: (await get(`database/${dbType}/test`)),
            foo: "other-property",
            bar: [1,2,3],
}, {
    // vault connection setting
    uri: "https://server.vault.svc.cluster.local",
    debug: false,
    // alternative auth method for kubernetes pod
    method: "kubernetes",
    role: "default",
    // inject some variable
    sandbox: {
        dbType: process.env.DB_TYPE || "mysql",


const config = require("./sync-config");

// Work with config


const vault = require("vault-sync").default;

// rather do asynchronously
vault.async(async get => { ... }, { ... })
    .then(config => {


const vault = require("vault-sync").default;

 * Read mandatory environment variables
process.env.APP_K8S_CLUSTER = process.env.APP_K8S_CLUSTER || "dev"; // dev, dev-2, prod, prod-2. prod-asia-northeast-1a-2, ... GKE cluster name
process.env.APP_ENV = process.env.APP_ENV || "dev"; // dev, stage, prod, ... app provision envrionment

module.exports = vault(async get => {
    const webhooks = await get("common/data/webhooks").then(res =>;
    return {
        APP_ENV: process.env.APP_ENV,
}, {
    // vault connection setting
    uri: "",
    debug: false,

    // alternative auth method for kubernetes pod
    method: `k8s/${process.env.APP_K8S_CLUSTER}`,
    role: "default",


const vault = require("vault-sync").default;

 * Read mandatory environment variables
process.env.APP_K8S_CLUSTER = process.env.APP_K8S_CLUSTER || "dev"; // dev, dev-2, prod, prod-2. prod-asia-northeast-1a-2, ... GKE cluster name
process.env.APP_ENV = process.env.APP_ENV || "dev"; // dev, stage, prod, ... app provision envrionment
const { APP_ENV, APP_K8S_CLUSTER } = process.env;

 * Read common credentials and metadata
const config = vault(async (get, list) => {
    const [
    ] = await Promise.all([
        get("common/data/gcp-stackdriver-service-account").then(res =>,
        get("common/data/services").then(res =>,
        list("common/metadata/services/credentials").then(res => res.keys),
    return {
        serviceKeys: services.groups.reduce((names, g) => names.concat( => i.key)), []),
}, {
    // vault connection setting
    uri: "",
    debug: false,

    // alternative auth method for kubernetes pod
    method: `k8s/${APP_K8S_CLUSTER}`,
    role: "default",

TypeScript Support

Supported from ES6: async/await poly-filled.


1. Test

Currently it dose not provide mocking environment for Vault and Kubernetes. Configure your vault environment and use telepresence for k8s to test.

yarn test

2. Test and update coverage badge

yarn test:badge

3. Mocking K8S pod environment

sudo sh -c "mkdir -p /var/run/secrets/ && kubectl get -n default secret $(kubectl get sa default -n default -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}') -o json | jq '.data.token' -r | base64 -D > /var/run/secrets/"

(or just) yarn mock

4. Publish

yarn build
yarn publish