node.js wrapper for open-vcdiff
If you want to create SDCH-aware server, better look at node-sdch and connect-sdch which use this library internally and serve SDCH-encoded content which could be comprehended by Chromium-based browsers.
You can use femtozip to create dictionaries.
Quick Examples
var vcd = require('vcdiff');
var dictionary = new Buffer(
'Yo dawg I heard you like common substrings in your documents so we put ' +
'them in your vcdiff dictionary so you can compress while you compress');
var hashed = new vcd.HashedDictionary(dictionary);
var testData =
'Yo dawg I heard you like common substrings somewhere else so we put ' +
'them in your vcdiff dictionary so you can decompress while you decompress'
Sync API
var encoded = vcd.vcdiffEncodeSync(testData, { hashedDictionary: hashed });
var decoded = vcd.vcdiffDecodeSync(encoded, { dictionary: dictionary });
assert(testData === decoded.toString())
Async API
testData, { hashedDictionary: hashed }, function(err, enc) {
vcd.vcdiffDecode(enc, { dictionary: dictionary }, function(err, dec) {
assert(testData === dec.toString());
Stream API
var in = createInputStreamSomehow();
var out = createOutputStreamSomehow();
var encoder = vcd.createVcdiffEncoder({ hashedDictionary: hashed });
var decoder = vcd.createVcdiffDecoder({ dictionary: dictionary });
npm install vcdiff
Make sure your compiler supports C++ 11. g++-4.8 will do, as well as clang bundled with Xcode 5.
The source is available for download from GitHub
API Reference
Just like standard zlib module, vcdiff provides three options to use it:
- sync
vcdiffEncodeSync(data, opts)
andvcdiffDecodeSync(data, opts)
- async
vcdiffEncode(data, opts, callback)
andvcdiffDecode(data, opts, callback)
- streaming
create stream (
or justnew VcdiffEncoder(opts)
) and pipe data through it. Same for decode (createVcdiffDecoder(opts)
ornew VcdiffDecoder(opts)
should be string
or Buffer
dictionary of options. Differ for encode and decode. See below.
just a function(error, data)
In any case you should provide dictionary for encoding/decoding. Because of the way Vcdiff works dictionaries for encode and decode differ. If you're not intersted in all this and just want to server SDCH-encoded content, skip this and use node-sdch.
The encoding options are:
instance of vcdiff.HashedDictionary
You should provide at least this field to construct Vcdiff encoder.
Be sure not to create HashedDictionary
on every encoding attempt,
since it copies the content of the provided buffer. This is the way open-vcdiff
works. Optimally, you should create HashedDictionary
once and use it
everywhere in your app. The underlying open-vcdiff class is thread-safe and so
is constructed from a Buffer
containing dictionary data
as simple as:
var dictionary = new Buffer('this is my dictionary for vcdiff compression');
var hd = new vcdiff.HashedDictionary(dictionary);
, minimum - 60, maximum - Infinity, default - 4096.
minimal size of the data chunk (in bytes) that will be passed to encoder unless you flush the encoder or data is shorter.
The more data you provide to the encoder, the longer substrings it could find, the more efficient encoding can be. But always think about the stream responsiveness.
, default - false.
From open-vcdiff docs: Find duplicate strings in target data as well as dictionary data.
The following flags change output of the encoder to non-stadard vcdiff. Be sure to decode it with open-vcdiff as well.
From open-vcdiff docs: These flags are passed to the constructor of VCDiffStreamingEncoder to determine whether certain open-vcdiff format extensions (which are not part of the RFC 3284 draft standard for VCDIFF) are employed.
Because these extensions are not part of the VCDIFF standard, if any of these flags except VCD_STANDARD_FORMAT is specified, then the caller must be certain that the receiver of the data will be using open-vcdiff to decode the delta file, or at least that the receiver can interpret these extensions. The encoder will use an 'S' as the fourth character in the delta file to indicate that non-standard extensions are being used.
, default - false.
From open-vcdiff docs: If this flag is specified, then the encoder writes each delta file window by interleaving instructions and sizes with their corresponding addresses and data, rather than placing these elements into three separate sections. This facilitates providing partially decoded results when only a portion of a delta file window is received (e.g. when HTTP over TCP is used as the transmission protocol.)
, default - false.
From open-vcdiff docs: If this flag is specified, then an Adler32 checksum of the target window data is included in the delta window.
, default - false.
From open-vcdiff docs: If this flag is specified, the encoder will output a JSON string instead of the VCDIFF file format. If this flag is set, all other flags have no effect.
The decoding options are:
instance of Buffer
You should provide at least this field to construct Vcdiff decoder.
The contents of the buffer is not copied but v8::Persistent
reference to this
buffer is kept for the existence of the decoder.
, default - true.
From open-vcdiff docs: If its argument is true, then the VCD_TARGET flag can be specified to allow the source segment to be chosen from the previously-decoded target data. (This is the default behavior.) If it is false, then specifying the VCD_TARGET flag is considered an error, and the decoder does not need to keep in memory any decoded target data prior to the current window.
, minimum - 1, maximum - 1 << 32 - 1
, default - 1 << 26
From open-vcdiff docs: Specifies the maximum allowable target file size. If the decoder encounters a delta file that would cause it to create a target file larger than this limit, it will log an error and stop decoding. If the decoder is applied to delta files whose sizes vary greatly and whose contents can be trusted, then a value larger than the the default value (64 MB) can be specified to allow for maximum flexibility. On the other hand, if the input data is known never to exceed a particular size, and/or the input data may be maliciously constructed, a lower value can be supplied in order to guard against running out of memory or swapping to disk while decoding an extremely large target file. The argument must be between 0 and INT32_MAX (2G); if it is within these bounds, the function will set the limit and return true. Otherwise, the function will return false and will not change the limit. Setting the limit to 0 will cause all decode operations of non-empty target files to fail.
, minimum - 1, maximum - 1 << 32 - 1
, default - 1 << 26
From open-vcdiff docs: Specifies the maximum allowable target window size. (A target file is composed of zero or more target windows.) If the decoder encounters a delta window that would cause it to create a target window larger than this limit, it will log an error and stop decoding.
Get rid of excessive copies in encoding/decoding process.
open-vcdiff outputs data to OutputStringInterface
. It should behave as
(i.e. be able to grow itself). Thus we cannot simply provide
output node Buffer. Now open-vcdiff outputs into std::string
which then
copied into node Buffer. This is clearly suboptimal.
open-vcdiff is distributed under Apache license.
parts of the chromium code are distributed under chromium BSD-style license