
VueJs2 component for draggable, resizable and rotable elements completly editable

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vdrr from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/vdrr';


Vue Drag Resize And Rotate

Latest Version on NPM Software License npm

Vue Component for draggable and resizable elements.

Table of Contents


Not available for now


  • A lightweight, no-dependency
  • All props are reactive
  • Support touch events
  • Use
    • draggable
    • resizable
    • rotable
    • or all of them
  • Define sticks for resizing
  • Define sticks for rotation
  • Restrict size and movement to parent element
  • Restrict drag to vertical or horizontal axis
  • Handle draggable areas
  • Resizable and draggable even with a defined angle

Install and basic usage

$ npm i -s vue-drag-resize-and-rotate

Register the component:

import Vue from 'vue'
import VDRR from 'vdrr'

Vue.component('VDRR', vdrr)

Use the component:

    <div id="app">
        <VDRR :active="true" :w="200" :h="200" @resizing="change" @dragging="change" @rotating="change" :rotate="true">
            <h3>Hello World!</h3>
            <p>{{ y }} х {{ x }} </p>
            <p>{{ w }} х {{ h }}</p>

    import VDRR from 'vdrr';

    export default {
        name: 'app',

        components: {

        data() {
            return {
                w: 0,
                h: 0,
                x: 0,
                y: 0,

        methods: {
            change(newRect) {
                this.w = newRect.w;
                this.h = newRect.h;
                this.x = newRect.x;
                this.y = newRect.y;



Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: false

Determines whether the component should be active.

<VDRR :active="true">


Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: true

Determines whether the component should be draggable.

<VDRR :draggable="false">


Type: Boolean
Required: false
Default: true

Determines whether the component should be resizable.

<VDRR :resizable="false">


Type: Array
Required: false
Default: [0, 0]

Determines pixel distance beetween each drag

<VDRR :grid="[10, 10]">


Type: Object
Required: false
Default: undefined

Limits the scope of the component's change to its parent size. Variable parameters can be set (none of them are required):

  • parent: Boolean
  • top: Number
  • right: Number
  • bottom: Number
  • left: Number
<VDRR :bounds="{parent: true}">
<VDRR :bounds="{top: -100, bottom: 100}">
<VDRR :bounds="{top: -100, right: 100, bottom: 100, left: -100}">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 200

Define the initial width of the component.

<VDRR :w="500">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 200

Define the initial height of the component.

<VDRR :h="500">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 0

Define the initial x position of the component.

<VDRR :x="500">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 0

Define the initial y position of the component.

<VDRR :y="500">


Type: Number
Required: false
Default: 0

Define the initial rotation angle in degrees of the component.

<VDRR :r="45">


Type: Array
Required: false
Default: ['tl', 'tm', 'tr', 'mr', 'br', 'bm', 'bl', 'ml', 'ro']

Define the array of handles to restrict the element resizing:

  • tl - Top left
  • tm - Top middle
  • tr - Top right
  • mr - Middle right
  • br - Bottom right
  • bm - Bottom middle
  • bl - Bottom left
  • ml - Middle left
  • ro - Rotation stick
<VDRR :sticks="['tm','bm','ml','mr']">
<VDRR :sticks="['ro']">


Type: String
Required: false
Default: xy

Define the axis on which the element is draggable. Available values are x, y, xy. Other values are equivalent to none

<VDRR axis="x">


Type: String
Required: false
Default: undefined

Defines the selector that should be used to drag the component.

<VDRR dragHandle=".drag">


Type: String
Required: false
Default: undefined

Defines a selector that should be used to prevent drag initialization.

<VDRR dragCancel=".drag">


Type: String
Required: false
Default: undefined

Defines a selector that should be used to prevent drag initialization.

<VDRR dragCancel=".drag">



Required: false
Parameters: -

Called whenever the component gets clicked.

<VDRR @activated="onActivated">


Required: false
Parameters: -

Called whenever the component gets clicked, in order to show handles.

<VDRR @activated="onActivated">


Required: false
Parameters: -

Called whenever the user clicks anywhere outside the component, in order to deactivate it.

<VDRR @deactivated="onDeactivated">


Required: false
Parameters: object

    x: Number, //the X position of the component
    y: Number, //the Y position of the component
    w: Number, //the width of the component
    h: Number, //the height of the component
    r: Number, // the deg of the component
    index: Number, // the index of the component
    type: String   // the type of the component

Called whenever the component gets resized.

<VDRR @resizeStart="onResizing">


Required: false
Parameters: object

    x: Number, //the X position of the component
    y: Number, //the Y position of the component
    w: Number, //the width of the component
    h: Number, //the height of the component
    r: Number, // the deg of the component
    index: Number, // the index of the component
    type: String   // the type of the component

Called whenever the component stops getting resized.

<VDRR @resizeStop="onResizstop">


Required: false
Parameters: object

    x: Number, //the X position of the component
    y: Number, //the Y position of the component
    w: Number, //the width of the component
    h: Number, //the height of the component
    r: Number, // the deg of the component
    index: Number, // the index of the component
    type: String   // the type of the component

Called whenever the component gets dragged.

<VDRR @dragStart="onDragging">


Required: false
Parameters: object

    x: Number, //the X position of the component
    y: Number, //the Y position of the component
    w: Number, //the width of the component
    h: Number, //the height of the component
    r: Number, // the deg of the component
    index: Number, // the index of the component
    type: String   // the type of the component

Called whenever the component stops getting dragged.

<VDRR @dragStop="onDragstop">


Any contribution to the code or any part of the documentation and any idea and/or suggestion are very welcome.

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8081
npm run start

# distribution build
npm run build


MIT license