
verbose: a way to provide descriptive log in development for something that should be used carefully.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vebs from '';



A fork of Facebook's invariant.

The verbose provide a printf-style(only %s is supported) liked API to throw or log a message.

verbose(condition, message)

import verbose from "vebs";

verbose(true, "This will not log");
// nothing happened

verbose(false, "Error message");
// Uncaught Error: Error message ...

  { level: "log", message: "You may have wrong way using [%s]." },
// console.log("You may have wrong way using [vebs].")


  1. The verbose does not take effect in production mode, it is a dummy function.

  2. Since 2.x.x, it reverse the condition and is consistent with invariant and warning.

Contrary (1.x.x): Compared to invariant, the message will show only when condition is true.