A series of miscellaneous tools for vectorized JS operations.
npm install --save vector-utils
- Generate:
npm install; npm run docs; open docs/index.html
Function manifest
- accumulateSeries - Turns an array of numeric series into a cumulative sum of arrays, increasing from the first series value to the last, normalized by a maximum value.
- average - Computes the weighted or unweighted average of a vector.
- clamp - Limits a value above or below a given constant.
- compareIntervals - Checks if endpoints of pairwise intervals exceed other pairwise intervals.
- cumulativeSum - A function for computing a cumulative sum of numbers in an array.
- crossFilt - A function for filtering other vectors based on a test of one.
- countUnique - Counts the numbers of unique items in an array.
- downsampleVec - Downsamples a vector (along first dimension) by a fixed factor.
- downsampleRational - Downsamples a vector (along first dimension) by a rational number.
- epochVec - Slices a vector into a matrix of vectors of equal or specified length(s).
- indexSort - Sorts a vector into an arbitrary order specified by indices.
- firstDifference - Computes the first difference of a vector.
- linVec - Produces a vector of linear points (equally spaced) from a lower limit to an upper limit.
- max - Computes the maximum value of a 1D matrix.
- max2D - Computes the maximum value of a 2D matrix.
- min - Computes the minimum value of a 1D matrix.
- min2D - Computes the minimum value of a 2D matrix.
- objToArray - Converts an object to an array of its values.
- sampleVector - Samples elements of a vector (with replacement).
- scalarProd - Computes the scalar product of two vectors.
- sequenceUpTo - Simple integer sequences.
- transpose2D - Transposes an array of arrays so that "columns" become "rows".
- vectorAccess - Vector key access for objects.
- vectorSum - A function that computes the vector sum of two vectors.
- vectorMag - Computes the magnitude of a vector.
- vectorProd - Computes the vector product of two vectors.
- zeros - Produces a vector of zeros.