Vendure Reviews Plugin
⭐ Multiple plugins for Vendure to review about Products, Order and Company
🌟 Features
- Ability to customer create review of the Company using with NPS
- Ability to customer get, list, update and create review of an Product
- Manage the state of reviews approving every changes by the customer
- On every change of state its dispatch a new Event, so you can extend the features of this package to send email or something like that
- Admin UI
- Order Review
⚙️ Install
1. Install and configure Vendure
Here you can find out how to install
2. Install the package
npm install vendure-reviews-plugin --save
3. Add the plugin in Vendure configuration
import { ReviewsStorePlugin, ReviewsProductPlugin } from 'vendure-reviews-plugin';
const config: VendureConfig = {
plugins: [
📚 How to use?
If you want to use queries and mutation of this package you can see the all on this file
❗️ License