
A VentHub client for NodeJS and the modern browser

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import venthubClient from '';



A VentHub client for NodeJS and for the modern browser


npm i -S venthub-worker should do the trick.

Note: This package uses ws, and can benefit from its optional deps.

Usage (NodeJS)

import Vent from 'venthub-worker';

// This will be called on every action recieved from the VentHub
function actionHandler(action) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(action, null, 2); // pretty print the action

let vent = new Vent('', actionHandler);
vent.start(); // connect to VentHub @

vent.dispatch({type: 'FOO'}) // dispatch this action to the VentHub (this WILL trigger the action handler)
.then(() => vent.dispatch({type: 'BAR'}))
.then(::vent.stop); // disconnect the Vent (notice the self-bind syntax, very experimental)

Vent as an EventEmitter

Creating a Vent with no handler will cause it to emit every action as an event of its type, with its payload as the event data.

Usage for the Modern Browser

Note: This package has no external deps, but does require native support for WebSockets, Promises, Arrow functions and Classes.

import Vent from 'venthub-client/browser';

// This will be called on every action recieved from the VentHub
function actionHandler(action) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(action, null, 2); // pretty print the action

let vent = new Vent('', actionHandler);
vent.start(); // connect to VentHub @

vent.dispatch({type: 'FOO'}) // dispatch this action to the VentHub (this WILL trigger the action handler)
.then(() => vent.dispatch({type: 'BAR'}))
.then(::vent.stop); // disconnect the Vent (notice the self-bind syntax, very experimental)

A basic implicit link

This version of Vent might not have fancy events, but it does provide a simple one-liner to hook, say, a redux store to a VentHub.

import React from 'react';
import {render as renderToDOM} from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import Vent from 'venthub-client/browser';
import store from './store/store';
import App from './components/main-page';

Vent.openLink('', ::store.dispatch); // That's it! :)

    <Provider store={store}>
        <App />