Simple, predictable and chainable verbose logging for Node modules
If you ever need a repeatable predictable way to send information to the users of your Node Package and don't want to write out a check for --verbose
or -v
Currently all assumptions are that you are sending either a String
or Array
. Hoping to add support for Key:Value pairs in the near future.
All parts of the API and be chained for high functionality
Forces verbose output -- this is useful for CLI type modules where you don't want the user to have to pass -v
or --verbose
Inserts a new line wherever this function is called.
.log('Hello World')
Prints a cyan message to the user.
.warn('Hello World')
Prints a yellow message to the user.
.error('Hello World')
Prints a red message to the user.
var verbose = require('verboser');
// Sends a cyan log statement
verbose.log('Something to the user');
// Sends a yellow warning statement
verbose.warn('Something a little less scary.');
// Sends a red error statement
verbose.error('Something alarming!');
// Sends a red error with line break and then an array with yellow copy.
verbose.error('Something went wrong').linebreak().warn(array).