
<h1 align="center"> 📦🔐 Verdaccio Auth0 Connect - With UI Support </h1>

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import verdaccioAuth0Ui from '';


📦🔐 Verdaccio Auth0 Connect - With UI Support


This is a Verdaccio plugin that offers OpenID Connect integration for both the browser and the command line.


  • UI integration with fully functional login and logout. When clicking the login button the user is redirected to identity provider and returns with a working session.
  • Updated usage info and working copy-to-clipboard for setup commands.
  • A small CLI for quick-and-easy configuration.


  • Verdaccio 3 and 4
  • Node >=10
  • Chrome, Firefox, Firefox ESR, Edge, Safari, IE 11



$ npm install verdaccio-auth0-ui

Auth0 Config

On Auth0 management page:

  • Create an App "Regular web application" with name NPM Registry
    • Allowed Callback URLs YOUR_REGISTRY_URL/-/oauth/callback
    • Allowed Logout URLs YOUR_REGISTRY_URL
  • Create an API endpoint. Set API Audience to
    • Enable RBAC = on
    • Add Permissions in the Access Token = on
    • Allow Skipping User Consent = on
    • Allow Offline Access = on
    • On tab Permissions add read:packages and write:packages permissions
  • Create a User Role.
    • Assign both permissions of to that Role.
  • Assign created Role to a User.

Verdaccio Config

Merge the below options with your existing Verdaccio config:

    enabled: true

    client-id: OIDC_CLIENT_ID
    client-secret: OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET

    oidc-userinfo-nickname-property: nickname
    oidc-access-token-permissions-property: permissions

  • The configured values can either be the actual value or the name of an environment variable that contains the value.
  • The config props can be specified under either the middlewares or the auth node. Just make sure, the addon is included under both nodes.


Users within this group will be able to authenticate.

client-id and client-secret

These values can be obtained from Auth0 App page.


The URL of your Auth0 endpoint. E.g.

oidc-audience (optional)

API Audience of your npm registry defined in Auth0. E.g.

oidc-userinfo-nickname-property (optional)

The userinfo key that represents a username with your identity provider. Defaults to nickname

oidc-access-token-permissions-property (optional)

Permissions property stored in access_token. Defaults to permissions

url_prefix (optional)

If configured, it must match YOUR_REGISTRY_URL. See GitHub Config.

Proxy Config

If you are behind a proxy server, the plugin needs to know the proxy server in order to make GitHub requests.

Configure the below environment variable.


See the global-agent docs for detailed configuration instrcutions.


Verdaccio UI

  • Click the login button and get redirected to GitHub.
  • Authorize the registry for your user and the configured GitHub org - this only needs to be done once.
  • When completed, you'll be redirected back to the Verdaccio registry.

You are now logged in.

Important: Make sure to click the Request or Grant button for read:org access when prompted to authorize. If you accidentally skipped this step, go to, find the Verdaccio registry and grant read:org access from there.

Command Line

Option A) Use the built-in CLI

The easiest way to configure npm is to use this short command:

$ npx verdaccio-auth0-ui --registry http://localhost:4873

Option B) Copy commands from the UI

  • Verdaccio 4:

Open the "Register Info" dialog and klick "Copy to clipboard":

  • Verdaccio 3:

Select the text in the header and copy it. In case the text is too long, you can double-click it. The invisible part will still be selected and copied.

  • Run the copied commands on your terminal:
$ npm config set //localhost:4873:_authToken "SECRET_TOKEN"
$ npm config set //localhost:4873:always-auth true
  • Verify npm is set up correctly by running the whoami command. Example:
$ npm whoami --registry http://localhost:4873

If you see your GitHub username, you are ready to start installing and publishing packages.


Verdaccio UI

Click the Logout button as per usual.

Command Line

Unless OAuth access is revoked in the GitHub settings, the token is valid indefinitely.

Revoke Tokens

To invalidate your active login tokens you need to revoke access on the GitHub OAuth app:

If you have created the GitHub OAuth app, you can also revoke access for all users: