Goal - Provide crypto primitives used within DID
DID has defined a set of protocols supported by cryptographic primitives. This SDK will implement most of these cryptographic primitives. This includes algorithms such as:
- ECDSA (secp256k1)
- RSA signing (RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5)
- RSA encryption (RSA-OAEP)
- Digests (SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)
- HMAC (HS256, HS384, HS512)
- EdDSA (ed25519) - still experimental
Goal - Provide a standardized API
The crypto API is based on the W3C Web Crypto API. This is typically referred to as Web Crypto, Subtle or subtle.
The SDK uses several layers or crypto implementations:
Most the algorithms are implemented in Nodejs crypto. No need to rewrite them.
For Elliptic curve ed25519 the npm package elliptic is used.
The subtle crypto API is provided by the excellent work of @peculiar/webcrypto.
See diafygi/webcrypto-examples for an extensive list of examples on how to use subtle.
Goal - Support for payload protection
The crypto SDK provides support for protecting payloads. The protocol support is provided in a layer above subtle crypto and uses the pluggable crypto concept (see further).
Supported protocols:
- JSON Web Signature (JWS) - RFC 7515.
- JSON Web Encryption (JWE) - RFC 7516 - experimental.
- JSON Web Key (JWK) - RFC 7517.
- JSON Web Token (JWT) - RFC 7519. Only signed payloads - experimental.
Goal - Pluggable Crypto layers
The goal of pluggable crypto is to make applications agnostic to the used algorithms and hardware environments. The applications specify the used algorithms in configuration and as such a standardized API can be used for any crypto calls. So, changing algorithms or hardware environments will not impact the applications themselves.
Key Vault
We can configure an application to do all private key operations on another service (hardware security module) such as Key Vault. This implies that keys can be generated on Key Vault and all private key operations will happen on Key Vault. A such there is no need for the private key to ever leave the secure Key Vault environment.
A test environment might not need the same level of security and could generate and use keys on nodejs, while the same application in production will use Key Vault. This behavior can be achieve by just changing the application’s configuration.
KeyStore is an abstraction of where cryptographic keys are stored. This SDK provides two key stores:
- KeyStoreInMemory: Simple cache in memory for keys
- KeyStoreKeyVault: Store the keys on Key Vault
KeyStores can be created by honoring the IKeyStore interface, as such application builder can write their own plugins with new key stores.
You can use the KeyStoreFactory.create('KeyStoreInMemory') to create the KeyStore, KeyStoreInMemory in this case.
The CryptoFactory defines which KeyStore to use and which plugins for which algorithms. You can make your own CryptoFactory and add your own plugins to it. Have a look to CrytoFactoryNode which is the default crypto factory. It maps the EdDSA algorithm to a special provider because EdDSA is not implemented in nodejs crypto.
export default class CryptoFactoryNode extends CryptoFactory {
* Constructs a new CryptoFactoryNode
* @param keyStore used to store private keys
* @param crypto Default subtle crypto used for e.g. hashing.
constructor (keyStore: IKeyStore, crypto: any) {
super(keyStore, crypto);
const subtleCrypto: any = new SubtleCryptoElliptic(crypto);
this.addMessageSigner('EdDSA', {subtleCrypto, scope: CryptoFactoryScope.All});
this.addMessageSigner('EdDSA', {subtleCrypto, scope: CryptoFactoryScope.All});
this.addMessageSigner('ed25519', {subtleCrypto, scope: CryptoFactoryScope.All});
Use the CryptoFactoryManager.create('CryptoFactoryNode', new Subtle()) factory method to create the default Subtle API.
Payload protection API
The SDK has a high-level API intended to protect payloads. Apps will typically use this high-level API.
Setup the payload protection object as JOSE and generate a signing key:
const keyReference = new KeyReference('neo');
let crypto = new CryptoBuilder()
let jose: IPayloadProtectionSigning = new JoseBuilder(crypto)
// Generate and save a signing key
crypto = await crypto.generateKey(KeyUse.Signature);
Create the JWS signature and serialize the signature
// Sign the payload
jose = await jose.sign(payload);
// Serialize the signature
const signature = jose.serialize();
Deserialize the signature and validate it
// Deserialize the received signature
jose = jose.deserialize(signature);
const validated = await jose.verify();
Running the same sample on key vault requires the following change in the setup:
const keyReference = new KeyReference('neo', 'key');
let crypto = new CryptoBuilder()
.useKeyVault(credentials, Credentials.vaultUri)
Mark that keyReference has the type 'key', meaning we will be using key vault keys.
Subtle is the standardized API defined by W3C and is the basis of the primitives API.
const subtle = SubtleCryptoFactory.create('SubtleCryptoNode');
const key = await subtle.generateKey(
name: "ECDSA",
namedCurve: "secp256k1"
["sign", "verify"]);
This is an example how to generate a secp256k1 key, commonly used in the DID community. Next we can export this key into a Json Web Key
const jwk = await subtle.exportKey(
We can also sign with this generated private key.
cont signature = await subtle.sign(
name: "ECDSA",
hash: {name: "SHA-256"}
Buffer.from('Payload to sign'));
And finally verify the signature
const result = await subtle.verify(
name: "ECDSA",
hash: {name: "SHA-256"}
Buffer.from('Payload to sign'));
Checkout the /samples folder for samples. Have a look at the subtle API examples on github diafygi/webcrypto-examples.
Use the SubtleCryptoFactory.create('SubtleCryptoNode') factory method to create the default Subtle API.
Pairwise keys
Pairwise keys are a special set of key generation algorithms which allows you to generate a deterministic key that can be used between two parties. This means that these keys can be generated on the fly when needed and they do not need to be stored.
Pairwise keys are supported for ECDSA and RSA signatures.
Getting started
To add the sdk to your package.json:
npm i verifiablecredentials-crypto-sdk-typescript
If you want to clone the SDK, you need to use rush. The crypto SDK is assembled by several smaller packages. Rush is transparent to applications using the SDK. The only install verifiablecredentials-crypto-sdk-typescript.
Install rush
npm install -g @microsoft/rush
Update all packages
rush update or rush update --full for a refresh
rush build or rush rebuild to force a full build
The SDK is an assembly of smaller NPM packages. You can go into the directory of each packages and do npm run test to test the package.
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